
Showing posts from November, 2014


Lovin' the sights, sounds, and smells of this gorgeous  Saturday morning. There is a slight chill with a gentle breeze  blowing, a beautiful crystal blue sky, birds singing, sun  shining, and a gentle fragrance of Fall floating in the air .  What  a treasured gift and blessing this day is. To Him be the  glory  today and forever. Praying that each of you will enjoy  the wonders of this day and perhaps.....just for today, we can  l ay aside thoughts of life's struggles and allow His love,  peace, and comfort to wrap us all in joy.  Always looking  upward! 

Loss and the Holidays.......

May our gracious and loving heavenly Father be especially sensitive, comforting, and ever present in the lives of those who are struggling sickness and loss of loved ones during this time of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The holidays, for many, will open a little wider the painful wounds of sorrow and loss for those who are without their loved one for the first time.  Only through Him can we find peace when our hurt is so strong, our loss is so real, and our longing is so intens e. May the precious, treasured memories of times gone by bring joy, and even laughter during this time of year.  As Christians, we can take comfort in knowing that passing into eternity is not the end, but a new beginning that we will soon join our loved ones in. I will daily lift these hurting souls before our Father and pray that He will fill their void with the knowledge of His everlasting love.