
Showing posts from September, 2016


What a gorgeous day....full of sun shine, birds singing....just so much peaceful beauty to soak-in and enjoy. For some, the beauty of this day is clouded by illness, heartbreak, stress, financial collapse, depression, sorrow, family division....on and on there are so many things we are dealt in this life that steal joy and cover us with burdens that keep us from seeing or experiencing anything positive or of beauty. Climbing out from under the load that is pressing down on us  is not easy....not at all! Many times we don't feel comfortable expressing to others all that we are going through. We want to appear strong, put together, unshaken....but life is real and it can be very tough. We need people in our lives that we can also open up to and be real with.  There is One Who we can always share with and that is our Holy Creator. You might think....right, but He isn't here; I can't touch Him, I can't see Him, I can't hear His voice. Well, have you really listened fo