
Showing posts from March, 2017

No Judgment.....Simply Love

Our calling is not to condemn, but to love with the everlasting love that we have received from our Holy Father and from His Son. No matter your lifestyle, who you are, who you think you are, what you have done, what you are contemplating doing…..I will love you, I will guide you with the measure of guidance that I have been given the ability, I will not cast judgment, but hopefully….I can cast some light into your life. As a follower of the Messiah, I will befriend the friendless, I will give aid to the needy, I will reach out to those in prison, I will not tear you down, but I will gladly encourage you, uplift you, and I will point you always to Jesus. His love is above all love….His sacrifice, no one else can replicate. If you need listening ears….mine are available. If you have special/private prayer request, I will be honored to lift your name before our Mighty Creator. We are to love all mankind….to celebrate their good-times and to weep with them in their sorrows. We shoul