
Showing posts from January, 2021

Larry’s Journey - Good News....November 30, 2020

We went to radiation today and then had a follow-up appointment with the Cardio Surgeon, Dr Richardson. We definitely have a praise report today. Dr. Richardson said that Dr Plaisance, the Cardiologist, made a mistake regarding Larry’s vascular by-pass in his leg having already closed up. It is his right leg only that is closed and we already knew that.  I asked Dr Plaisance several times and each time he stated that it was the by-pass that was closed. Well, it is open and Larry has blood-flow in his left leg. THANK YOU JESUS!!!! Also, Dr. Richardson said that there is little to no concern regarding the Thoracic Aorta Aneurysm that Dr Plaisance said was active. Dr.Richardson was very pleased with the wound bed of the open wound on Larry’s leg.  Also, Larry’s radiation treatment and consult went well today.  Thank you all for your continued prayers. They are working. It feels so good to get a bit of positive news today.