
Showing posts from August, 2016


"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23 There are times we feel like we will be consumed by grief, but we can cling to this Scripture because we know God’s love will not fail us. It says we will not be consumed because of how strong His love is for us as His children. We are told, as Christians, we suf fer through things just as non-believers will because of this old world we live in. But, we have an advantage…..we have God on our side to cover us with His hands and protect us from being devoured. It does not mean we won’t have bad things happen, but it means we have the only One who can get us through watching over us and caring for us in ways we don’t even recognize. This is our hope and when we hit bottom, we must have something to hope for. Knowing God’s love is steadfast and unchanging will

My Bow........

"I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth." ~ Genesis 9:13 So majestic is the arch of brilliant colors streaming across the sky after a rain. Many translations of the Bible....such as the KJV, ESV, NASV, etc....use the word "bow" rather than rainbow. I love the use of the word bow as it gives vision to a grander meaning. We imagine a bow as tying or binding something together. God gave us the rainbow as a symbol of the trust worthiness of His a symbol of hope in Him. Just think of how many thousands of years He has been placing His bow in the sky showing us that His covenant, His care, His love for us is ever present and never changing. In times of struggle, stress, and sorrow, what better gift than to think of the bow that connects us to our Father in real, tangible ways. He is our hope and through Him there is no greater love and security. So many are suffering through illnesses, broken families

A picture paints.......

If it is true that a picture paints a thousand words, then there was a Roman centurion who got a dictionary full. All he did was see Jesus suffer. He never heard Him preach or saw Him heal or followed Him through the crowds. He never witnessed Him still the wind; he only witnessed the way He died. But, that was all it took to cause this soldier to take a giant step in faith.  He said, "Surely this was a righteous Man." ~ Luke 23:47


If you want to share Jesus, then rekindle your first love. The desire and ability to share God's message of love and forgiveness, comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How can anyone share what they don't have? Or, how can one tell another how to experience real life without experiencing that life himself? "Stir up the gift that is in you" ~ 2 Timothy 1:6 Amen! †


as it random occurrences or was it Divine encounters? That is the question I asked myself for the first time twenty years ago. They didn’t happen often or with any regularity; however, I quickly realized that they were guided, on-point, perfectly timed events and instances. I reluctantly shared some of my stories, only to find out that I wasn’t alone in this experience. There were many who had similar stories that had kept them close…fearing if shared, others might look at t hem a little strange or maybe even with disbelief. These are honest, sincere, heartfelt stories which will hopefully validate – for the skeptics or non-believers – that God does answer prayers, gives us signs, and blesses us with unexpected gifts from Him that have no other logically explanation. I have collected several stories for consideration in a book I am writing. They are stories proven, only by faith, that God was in control of circumstances that otherwise had no concrete basis. These powerful, encouragin

Godly Encounters......

Godly Encounters are stories laced with sorrow, tragedy, loss, stress, despair, depression, financial crises, broken relationships…..on and on; however, with each story God shows up and changes everything! No matter how your story began, it ends with hope and healing. Perhaps He protected you in an auto accident, perhaps He put a delay in your path to hinder you from being in the middle of a tragedy down the road, maybe He healed your marriage, turned your finances around, bl essed you with the baby that defied what doctors had told you, maybe He put you in just the right place and just the right time to be the person that someone needed that very moment. The stories, experiences, and encounters are endless. It is YOUR story and I want to hear it. Please send your Godly Encounter to: Write in a Word Document and attach to an email. Blessings, Patricia Harrod-Wyrosdick

Experiencing God......

Most of us have a story...and encounter....and experience; however, not everyone realizes it or will acknowledge it. Please "like" my page, "Experiencing God" and share a bit of your story. It is important to make your testimony public so others will be uplifted and encouraged from it. He also deserves the glory for all good things that He blesses you with in your life. Please share a bit of YOUR story on this page. We would love to see how you have experienced the presence of God in your life. It was not just happenstance, luc k, or chance....It was God and He should receive the glory. Encourage others and allow them to see that God does still actively work in our lives today. Amen! † PLEASE SEND ME YOUR FULL STORY/STORIES. (Type in Word and add to email as an attachment.) I need YOUR Godly Encounter to go in my book so it can be shared with others an

He is......

Such a beautiful day! Thanking our gracious Father for all blessings that this day will afford us. Pleading with Him to bring healing to the sick, calm to the stressed, comfort to those who are in sorrow, and peace over all things. His love is an everlasting love...a love that no other can compare. He gave us His Son so that we might live. He gave us His Holy Spirit to live within so that we are never alone.  He is magnificent! He is mighty! His wonder is beyond what we can fathom. He has cleansed us, renewed us, and prepared an eternal life for us. It is through Him that we live, breathe, and have our very being. It is through Him that we have hope, experience joy, and defeat evil. I give Him all praise, glory, and thanksgiving. Amen!  ✝

Living in His Promises.....

We will not know God as Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, until we experience and recognize His healing in our lives....whether spiritually, emotionally, mentally or physically. We cannot know Him as Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, if we have never been in need. We will not know Him as Jehovah Nissi, our Banner, unless we acknowledge our need in Him for victory. When we take time to deepen and grow our relationship with Jesus, our confidence in Him deepens. And we can live in the promise of this verse.....“Those who know your name trust you, O LORD, because you have never deserted those who seek your help.” ~ Psalm 9:10 Dear Lord, we want to know You for who You really are. We desire to trust and follow You more and more each day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. †

USE US.......

Thanking God for this gorgeous day! I commit this day to You, Lord. Use us, open doors up for us, fill us with Your presence, direct our paths. Rejoicing in His love! Hope all of you enjoy this day; although, I know that there are so many who are struggling with life's issues.  Our journey can be so difficult at times, but we can have hope through Him that He will carry us through. My prayers continue with all who are experiencing dark days. May you receive the blessing of better days to come. Hold fast to Him and in knowing how much He loves you. Amen! †