as it random occurrences or was it Divine encounters? That is the question I asked myself for the first time twenty years ago. They didn’t happen often or with any regularity; however, I quickly realized that they were guided, on-point, perfectly timed events and instances. I reluctantly shared some of my stories, only to find out that I wasn’t alone in this experience. There were many who had similar stories that had kept them close…fearing if shared, others might look at them a little strange or maybe even with disbelief. These are honest, sincere, heartfelt stories which will hopefully validate – for the skeptics or non-believers – that God does answer prayers, gives us signs, and blesses us with unexpected gifts from Him that have no other logically explanation.

I have collected several stories for consideration in a book I am writing. They are stories proven, only by faith, that God was in control of circumstances that otherwise had no concrete basis. These powerful, encouraging, and enlightening experiences will point you to a Higher Power. Reading these God Stories will awaken a gamut of emotions from uncontrolled tears, goose-bumps, even the hair might stand-up on your arms, and you may feel a sense of being overwhelmed by the presence of God coming through each word.

Our God is a God without limitations.....

Share your God Story ~ your Godly Encounter

Email your story to me. Type it in Word and attach to an email.

I cannot wait to hear what God has done in your life!
Patricia Harrod-Wyrosdick


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