
Showing posts from February, 2017

It's Through Him.....

We can turn our struggles into something positive for the cause of Christ if we stay strong. We can turn our trials and tests into our testimony. We can use the mess we have made of our lives to become our message to help and encourage others. It is so easy to allow our mistakes to define us; thereby, allowing satan to convince us that what we have to say doesn't matter, that our purpose can't be reached, and we withdraw from all the potential He has waiting for us.  True everlasting peace and joy can and will come only when we realize and acknowledge that our worthiness is only through Him. With the power He provides, we can do all things! Amen! †

His Vessels.........

There are times when God wants to use us in someone else's life; it may not be pretty or comfortable, but they need to see Jesus! We must mold ourselves to be vessels fashioned for serving others. We are here for the purpose of shining His Light where the lost and suffering need us the most. Be the church.....outside the walls! †

Let It Go......

One of the most difficult things for us to do is to allow ourselves to be set free….truly FREE. Satan, very cunningly, uses our past to hold us hostage. Why won’t we simply let go? We hold to times from our past, people, actions, occasions, etc. that keep us in slavery. Because of fear, uncertainty, doubt, lack of confidence….and many other reasons, we continue to hold on to what keeps us from moving forward in freedom. We don’t know what it is like to take a deep breath and  exhale without feeling a bit of anxiety tugging at us. One of the best medicines is to open up and talk to someone. Hearing our own words express our feelings, emotions outwardly helps to bring clarity to where we are in our lives. To listen to the record that continues to play in our heads is a never-ending cycle of abuse that we place on ourselves because our reluctance to let go once and for all. Is it easy… I am learning that very little in life is actually easy, except for love and sometimes that is a st

Love.....Above All!

Can you via telepathy know the thoughts of another, can you know the intentions of another’s heart, do you have first-hand knowledge of their reasoning….why they do or do not “act” in a certain way? How can you judge what you know nothing about? How can you whisper to others gossip that holds zero basis of truth? How can you criticize when we haven’t walked in their shoes? Can you condemn the soul of another because of a sign out front of the “church” where they gather to praise God? Can you pass judgment on who is His and who isn’t?  We are to love and love casts out evil thoughts….evil actions against another. Therefore, IF we love….truly love with His love….all of the actions I mentioned above will cease. In 1 Peter 4:8 we read that, “Above all, love each other deeply.” Love deeply! Love with an everlasting love! Amen! †

Love ALL people.....

We must stop labeling people just because they are not like us. Think about it....would you REALLY want a world of people just like you? In addition, too many times we put conditions on people we are willing to love as though we can label some "unloveable." We don't have to like everyone or what everyone does; however, we are to love ALL people without conditions.  Jesus commanded, "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples. If you love one another." John 13:34-35 †

Design or Default.......

We are to live by design...not by default. God has a plan for each of us. When we let life's journey of ups and downs be our lead, we are living in default mode. We must align our lives to His purpose.  Ephesians 2:10 reads, "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Make the choice daily to live a life of purpose....His purpose! Amen! 


God knows us from the inside out. He is aware of our struggles and knows what makes us happy. Life happens and when it does....often times we are hurled face forward into a downward spiral of stress and despair. For those of us who are believers, usually our first response is to go to our Father and share with Him and ask for His help....His guidance. Many times, we keep waiting for "the" answer. Problem is, He has already offered "an" answer, however, we refuse to see it because it is not "the" answer we expected or what we wanted. We must be willing to stretch our faith further than we can see or imagine the result to look like. When He provides a will work. We might just have to alter our journey and take a different path to arrive at the place we were meant to be. Amen! †