
Showing posts from June, 2018

Song of Songs......

Such alluring imagery and depth of love and desire. I think most young people would be shocked at the vivid openness and bold language in the Song of Songs. It is an unexpected jewel in the Scriptures. It is a testament to the beauty of the marriage relationship in its fullness.  Often times, especially in past years, children in the church have been reared to look at sexuality and the intimacy between a man and a women in such negative ways. It has cast inhibitions, something that should not be desired or enjoyed, and almost made it to be an ugly duty....not a beautiful relation that God has given between husband and wife.  Every young couple should certainly be familiar with Song of Songs prior to marriage.

It's A Different World.....

It is very sad that we can't go shopping, to the movies, even to church without fear of having someone cause us harm. This past week, 3 people were shot and killed at a Walmart in Tallassee, AL and now a 17 year old set fire inside the Walmart in Greenville, AL.  I remember back when my children were growing up, they could go to the toy section while I shopped. They would run and play all over the stores in Luverne free of any fear. Within the past 30 years something has gone  horribly wrong.   When I was growing up, we could camp outside all night, leave the yard, and walk all over Ramer without a care in the world. I could get my fishing gear, hop on my bicycle and go fishing at the little pond behind the old Ramer Elementary building...all by myself. WOW, how things have changed and in such a negative way.  It makes my heart sad for my grandchildren and for all the little ones who will never realize a world free of fear and hatred. I pray daily that the condition of our world

Just "Ordinary" People......

We have a Bible full of profound stories of faith, sin, renewal, miracles, forgiveness, and punishment, and many more lessons that apply to us today. The Bible gives us hope when we doubt, strength when we are afraid, faith to keep moving forward, love when we feel unloved, and more positive affirmations. What is totally awesome, though, is that most of these stories that encourage us are about normal everyday ordinary people like you and me.  For me, it is encouraging to real ize that God doesn’t need “super-humans” to do extraordinary things. There are many “ordinary people” that God used to do some very powerful things in the Bible, and He can do the same things through us when we walk in faith. Our stories have yet to be fully written, and there is no telling what God may do through us. So, when we read the Bible, we should feel inspired because we follow a God that can do the impossible with ordinary everyday people. Amen! †