It's A Different World.....

It is very sad that we can't go shopping, to the movies, even to church without fear of having someone cause us harm. This past week, 3 people were shot and killed at a Walmart in Tallassee, AL and now a 17 year old set fire inside the Walmart in Greenville, AL. 

I remember back when my children were growing up, they could go to the toy section while I shopped. They would run and play all over the stores in Luverne free of any fear. Within the past 30 years something has gone horribly wrong.
 When I was growing up, we could camp outside all night, leave the yard, and walk all over Ramer without a care in the world. I could get my fishing gear, hop on my bicycle and go fishing at the little pond behind the old Ramer Elementary building...all by myself. WOW, how things have changed and in such a negative way. 

It makes my heart sad for my grandchildren and for all the little ones who will never realize a world free of fear and hatred. I pray daily that the condition of our world will change, but before it will change, hearts must turn to God.


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