
Showing posts from March, 2020

CANCER: Bilateral (Double) Mastectomy...One Year Later

Although my life's journey was forever changed on this day, March 5th, 2019....the real change began on September 10, 2018 when I heard the words...."You have breast cancer." I will never forget hearing those words. It felt real, but unreal at the same time. When one is initially diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, there is no way to comprehend all that means for your life and also the lives of your close family. There is no, "this is the way it is going to go and you will be healed." There are no guarantees and there are no "cookie-cutter" treatments or  reactions to treatments. For those of you who have been following my journey, will remember that my having a bilateral/double mastectomy was not a choice, but rather a must. I later found out, when I started to be mapped for radiation treatments, that my cancer was rare. I actually had multiple tumors in both breast. The left side was silent while the right side decided to scream.....get