CANCER: Bilateral (Double) Mastectomy...One Year Later

Although my life's journey was forever changed on this day, March 5th, 2019....the real change began on September 10, 2018 when I heard the words...."You have breast cancer." I will never forget hearing those words. It felt real, but unreal at the same time. When one is initially diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, there is no way to comprehend all that means for your life and also the lives of your close family. There is no, "this is the way it is going to go and you will be healed." There are no guarantees and there are no "cookie-cutter" treatments or  reactions to treatments.

For those of you who have been following my journey, will remember that my having a bilateral/double mastectomy was not a choice, but rather a must. I later found out, when I started to be mapped for radiation treatments, that my cancer was rare. I actually had multiple tumors in both breast. The left side was silent while the right side decided to scream.....get me out of here! And, I thank God for making it scream or my case would have been much worse. It moved quickly and moved into my lymph nodes under my right arm. I was one patient of six in the past 15 years who have had to be mapped for radiation. That meant that I had double radiation....radiation going on both sides of my chest, under both arms, and up both sides of my neck. 

Issues....YES....I have had them at every turn; however, God has continued to bless me through each one. I have had my precious family to walk with me daily through this valley and they have lifted me up when I needed it the most. Each of you who have prayed for me, expressed Facebook messages, private messages, texts, phone calls, cards, who have donated money, who have sent special gifts, who have made me blankets, each of you have lifted my spirits and have helped me through some of my darkest days. 

Now, I am removed from the infused chemo treatments, surgery, radiation, oral chemo....and most of my side-effects. I still have some issues, but pray they will soon pass. One of my main concerns now is for possible damage to my heart because of chemo and radiation. I am under a Cardiologist's care and my next step is a Stress Test next Wednesday. Please keep me in your prayers for that. In addition, when I had the Bone Scan last month, it showed that my treatments have already caused bone loss and that I have Osteoporosis. My Medical Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, has started me on a medication to be taken once a week along with a high dosage of Calcium to be taken daily. She said that I must be extremely careful not to fall or have an accident that could put my bones in jeopardy. 

Overall, I am doing great! We can't live in a state of stress, anxiety, fear, and the "what ifs." I know that even after all I have been through that I have at least a 30% chance of my cancer returning somewhere else in my body. I also know that if I live long enough, that number will greatly increase. However, just as we are told in the Scriptures....I plan to live in the here and now. We only have the present whether we are fighting a horrific disease or might get in a fatal accident. Life is short and very uncertain. I am currently on a hormone based chemotherapy called Femara. It is to increase my "odds" of delaying cancer returning. I will probably be on it for the rest of my life. 

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God...."
  Psalm 46:10a

One day, soon after being diagnosed, Ashleigh, Michael, and my grands were all in the car in Leeds. We had just left the bank and came up to the red light and stopped. When we stopped, a very strange, but yet familiar "whisper" came into my ear. God told me that I was going to be just fine! I, by the grace, mercy, and healing from God WILL receive an earthly healing, refreshing, and renewal. I have never cried-out "why me" or thought that I wasn't going to make it....He has already told me I would be ok and all of my trust and confidence is in my Father and Holy Creator.

"Those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

God always opens doors and blesses us with opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus if we will step into the role of a disciple and take advantage of the provided opportunity. That is my goal. I want to share my cancer journey, my testimony, while encouraging others, and telling others about Jesus and His love. 

"Cast your cares on the Lord
    and He will sustain you;
He will never let
    the righteous be shaken."
Psalm 55:22

God is leading and God is healing!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! 
I love y'all! 

All donations of any amount 
are a true blessing!

GoFundMe Account:

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy   
#GodisHealing  #PrayforaCure   #PrayerWarriors
#GodisinControl #PrayingGrands   
#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#CrushingCancer  #MyGoalisCancerFree   
#Orthopedic     #Cardiovascular 


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