
Showing posts from February, 2021

Bypass Surgery Update -Larry

 UPDATE: Larry Today, we went to his last check-up with his Cardio Surgeon, Dr. Richardson. It appears that he might have Cellulitis again; therefore, Dr. Richardson wrote him another prescription for and antibiotic….1,000 mg per day. So, prayerfully this will wipe it out prior to surgery. I never knew the potential seriousness of Cellulitis until Larry started getting it after his vascular surgery on his left leg in September.  Tomorrow, we go to St. Vincent’s main for Larry’s pre-op. He will have to have several tests ran prior to surgery….including a COVID test and testing for UTI since he has had one more than once since his surgery. His pain level was down to a 3 today and that is awesome! His sugar levels, oxygen levels, blood pressure, and heart rate are all currently at good levels. Thank You Jesus! 🙌🏻 One thing we have had to be concerned about is the possibility of Larry having another heart-attack prior to surgery. He has had so many complications with the open-wound in hi