Bypass Surgery Update -Larry

 UPDATE: Larry

Today, we went to his last check-up with his Cardio Surgeon, Dr. Richardson. It appears that he might have Cellulitis again; therefore, Dr. Richardson wrote him another prescription for and antibiotic….1,000 mg per day. So, prayerfully this will wipe it out prior to surgery. I never knew the potential seriousness of Cellulitis until Larry started getting it after his vascular surgery on his left leg in September. 

Tomorrow, we go to St. Vincent’s main for Larry’s pre-op. He will have to have several tests ran prior to surgery….including a COVID test and testing for UTI since he has had one more than once since his surgery. His pain level was down to a 3 today and that is awesome! His sugar levels, oxygen levels, blood pressure, and heart rate are all currently at good levels. Thank You Jesus! 🙌🏻

One thing we have had to be concerned about is the possibility of Larry having another heart-attack prior to surgery. He has had so many complications with the open-wound in his leg, all the vascular issues and infections….his surgery has had to be delayed. He has not had any chest pain until Friday evening. Friday evening, he did experience some sharp chest pains, but only briefly. Then Friday night, he had a few more dull pains and the same again on Saturday morning. He hasn’t had anymore since; however, that is a sign to let us know it is time to have the surgery now. 

Larry has four blockages; however, he only has usable vessels to have two bypasses. The third one will get some relief from one of the bypasses, but the fourth blockage is on the right side of the heart and….unless Dr. Richardson decides to use a cadaver vein, that 100% block will remain blocked. Dr. Richardson really does not want to use a cadaver vein because, in the heart, they usually only last a month to a year. Dr. Richardson will take a vessel from Larry’s left wrist and another from behind the heart to use for the two bypasses. 

Dr. Richardson also mentioned today that “sometimes” bypass heart surgery….and also removing the back vessel for bypass “could” have a negative effect on the cadaver vein that goes from Larry’s left groin area to below his left calf. We were told at the time of Larry’s vascular surgery on his left leg back in September that there is no way to know how long the Cryovein “cadaver” vein will last. So, this could present a serious issue; however, we will be praying and believing that Larry’s leg will have ZERO negative effects from the bypass surgery.

We are to be at St. Vincent’s Main at 5:00 Tuesday morning, February 9th.  There will be some tests ran prior to surgery, but he is the first bypass patient of the morning. According to Dr. Richardson, the bypass surgery will take 3+ hours depending on what happens once the surgery begins. I am the only one who will be able to be with him prior to surgery or be in the hospital during the surgery. Michael and Ashleigh will be close by, but because of COVID will not be allowed to wait with me. Larry will be in Intensive Care Tuesday night; therefore, I will not be able to stay in the hospital. However, when he comes out of ICU, I will be able to go stay with him. Dr. Richardson said he would be in the hospital for 3 to 4 days as long as all goes well.

We appreciate every prayer that has been lifted on Larry’s behalf. He has gone through so much and there are other serious issues that will have to be addressed after he heals from this surgery; however, for now….this is our focus and we will continue to take one day at a time. Please continue to lift Larry in your prayers. He is very confident in Dr. Richardson and his many years of experience in his field and most importantly, Larry knows that God will be overseeing his surgery and recovery every step of the way. 

Love y’all! ❤️


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