
Showing posts from 2013

We Are The Church.....

It is we, the Church, who are to feed the hungry, to care for the sick, house the homeless, take care of those in prisons, care for the widows, open our arms....our love for the precious orphans, share our abundance, and to care for the is through His Church...His Followers that the world is to learn the Truth....through His Disciples that the lost will be brought to salvation. Not through a government or through a President. It is through the Church! Just wanted to clarify the meaning of "church"....The "church" is NOT a building. A building is a location where the church gathers ~ we are the ekklesia which means:"the called out ~ we are believers/followers/disciples of Jesus the Christ. We are each, individually, responsible for carrying-out the work that is expected of a Christian. Who are the Christians? The Holy Scriptures tell us that we will be known by the fruits that we bear. "You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by t

Putting Out The Trash.........

I went to listen to Larry Brady, Director of Panama Missions preach the Sunday before he left for Panama. He made a simple, yet powerful statement. Yes, I have heard it before...but for some reason when Larry said it, this time it resonated with me. He said, "Don't spend one day worrying about the past ~ your past. There is nothing you can do to change it. Life is too precious to spend today being concerned about yesterday." He further said, "People will spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars paying someone to tell them WHY something happened in their past and seek professional help to UNDERSTAND it and attempt to GET PAST it." We all have seen those who spend more time living in the past than in the present. It is sad....really, it is very sad when we allow guilt, unforgiveness, and unresolved things from our past to steal our "here and now"...our present. It is like living with yesterday's rubble...hoarding the trash in our past.

He watches over ME......

I don't have to explain, justify, or make excuses. He knows my desires. He knows the "whys" that I cry out and He knows the answers. When I feel beaten-down and torn, He mends my brokenness. When life tosses me to and fro, He is my Lighthouse that guides me safely back to Him. As the tears begin to roll down my cheeks, He reaches out gently wiping them away. I will never allow the negatives to over-whem me or have their way....because then, satan wins. When the winds of life start to blow and take me on a roller coaster ride, He provides a level platform for me to land. Although my journey has been winding and some paths traveled led me off course, He never took His eyes off of me. He was ever guiding me ~ pulling me back...showing me where I belonged. My Father loves me and knows me like no other. In His presence, I am whole, at peace, and filled with abundant joy. He loves to hear my voice....He never pushes me away....He always has