Putting Out The Trash.........

I went to listen to Larry Brady, Director of Panama Missions preach the Sunday before he left for Panama. He made a simple, yet powerful statement. Yes, I have heard it before...but for some reason when Larry said it, this time it resonated with me. He said, "Don't spend one day worrying about the past ~ your past. There is nothing you can do to change it. Life is too precious to spend today being concerned about yesterday." He further said, "People will spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars paying someone to tell them WHY something happened in their past and seek professional help to UNDERSTAND it and attempt to GET PAST it."

We all have seen those who spend more time living in the past than in the present. It is sad....really, it is very sad when we allow guilt, unforgiveness, and unresolved things from our past to steal our "here and now"...our present. It is like living with yesterday's rubble...hoarding the trash in our past. It might be rat-packing our pain, gathering past offenses, recording times we have been slighted OR many times it is areas we feel we failed others, didn't love enough, didn't say enough, didn't forgive enough. If we toured our heart we might find, those who have wounded us, promise breakers, accumulated insults, piles of rejections, those who took our heart and broke it....on and on.

Sometimes it's a "simple matter of forgiveness. Ok, so forgiveness many or most times might not be that simple; actually, it can be quite complicated. Yet, where will we find peace...even if we are not in the wrong...even when someone wrongs us and does not ask for forgiveness, GIVE FORGIVENESS! Jesus answered Peter’s question in Matthew 18:21 and 22 when he asked:  “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me?  Seven times?”  “No, not seven times,” Jesus said.  “Seventy times seven!”  Do you want to give every day a chance to be blessed, to be a blessing, to enjoy life, to BE PRESENT?  Jesus says for each of us to get rid of the trash!  Give the GRACE we have been given! Leave the past exactly where it belongs...in the past and set yourself FREE!


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