He watches over ME......

I don't have to explain, justify, or make excuses. He knows my heart...my intentions...my desires. He knows the "whys" that I cry out and He knows the answers. When I feel beaten-down and torn, He mends my brokenness. When life tosses me to and fro, He is my Lighthouse that guides me safely back to Him. As the tears begin to roll down my cheeks, He reaches out gently wiping them away. I will never allow the negatives to over-whem me or have their way....because then, satan wins.

When the winds of life start to blow and take me on a roller coaster ride, He provides a level platform for me to land. Although my journey has been winding and some paths traveled led me off course, He never took His eyes off of me. He was ever guiding me ~ pulling me back...showing me where I belonged.

My Father loves me and knows me like no other. In His presence, I am whole, at peace, and filled with abundant joy. He loves to hear my voice....He never pushes me away....He always has time for me. I am His to use for His glory and for the benefit of others. He will forever be my loving, healing Father Who watches over me. I am but mere clay....Father mold me and guide me in the footsteps of Your Son, Jesus.. 


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