He counts the hairs on our heads........

“And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.” – Matthew 10:30

I believe sometimes we read this text and gloss over how deeply it shows God’s active presence in our lives. There are some who believe that God gave us the Old and New Covenants for all guidance and He is back in Heaven with no “hands-on” interaction in our daily lives. That thought process actually counters Jesus’ very own words to us. God knows us perfectly. God governs our lives and the world minute-by-minute. God cares for us with Fatherly concern. How do we know this? Because Jesus tells us that every hair in our head is numbered. Ever thought…..that is NOT a one-time deal?

The number of the hairs on our head changes daily. Either we lose a few or we gain new baby hairs. He knows the number of hairs on our head…..minute-by-minute! He can’t get closer to us and our lives than that! He is active and moving intricately. To say He has no power in our lives….no interaction in our lives is to deny who He is. There is nothing significant about the hairs on our head within themselves, but it paints a picture of how much He loves, cares for, and protects His children. I dare say that no matter how deep our love is for another, we will never take the time to count the number of hairs on their head. God knows because He bothers to count them again…..and again. When it comes to you and me, He always has time for every little thing about us.

Praise God for His living with us daily! Amen! †


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