Update: Liver Biopsy - PET Scan - Treatment Changes


As most of you already know, I had a Liver Biopsy, a PET Scan, and a Bloodwork Profile and I have waited to get all results prior to writing a blog post update. I also had a lengthy consultation with my Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, yesterday. 

First, I want to start off with a Super Praise God moment! My Liver Biopsy confirmed that my cancer has not changed to Her2-. It remains ER+ Her2+. That means we have been on the right treatment path. There is a strong possibility, however, that the Femara, Letrozole, that I took for 18 months did not work. It is a hormone based chemotherapy taken orally. It was to help lower my hormone and estrogen levels which in-turn was to help fight my cancer. We will find out more about that from the genetic portion of the Liver Biopsy when the results come back in about 3 weeks. The Liver Biopsy did show, according to Dr. Martin, that some of my cancerous lesions had got larger.  

Because of the tremendous set-back that I had with my last treatment on May 28th, I had to be admitted to the hospital for 2 weeks. I was so close to death, but didn't realize how sick I was. I am so thankful that my children took control and got me to the hospital in time to save my life. In my cancer journey over the past 3 years, I have come close to death a few times; however, I have never had a team of doctors in a hospital tell me that if I had waited to the next day to come, I would most likely have not been alive. And, YES, that is a Praise God moment because I am still here!

Another Praise God moment! My PET Scan showed that my cancer has NOT spread outside of the areas we were already aware of. The cancer is in my bones, my liver, and in my bone marrow. Having the cancer in my bone marrow just adds another level of issues that I have to deal with. Along with the chemo killing the cancer cells....of course it is also killing my good cells.

My bloodwork yesterday showed:

White Blood Cells - 3.6 (3600) - Normal is 4,500 to 11,000 per microliter

Red Blood Cells - 2.8 (2800) - Normal is 4.5 million to 5.9 million per microliter

Hemoglobin - 9.5 - Normal 12.3 to 15.3 grams per deciliter for women

Platelets - 57 (57,000) - Normal is 150 to 450 (150,000 to 450,000) per microliter

Tumor Markers - 2996 - My last bloodwork showed my Liver Tumor Markers at 2422, however, my highest has been up to 4800. When it was just in my bones, my Liver Tumor Markers were in the 200-300's. Within 7 weeks, it jumped to 4800. In August 2020, my Liver Tumor Markers was only 29. 

My bloodwork has continuously shown my numbers to fluctuate because they don't respond well to the strong, toxic chemo that I am on. I am on the first protocol for the Metastatic Breast Cancer that I have and I need to stay on it as long as I can. It has already been proven that I cannot tolerate it at full dosage. Therefore, yesterday I did have the Taxol and the Carboplatin, but at a 30% discount rate of medicine. Carboplatin actually puts platinum into your body. I was at Bruno yesterday from 8:15 to around 3:00. The days are long when you have bloodwork, consultation, and treatment. I was so VERY thankful to be able to get a treatment yesterday.....even with the risk involved. It had been 6 weeks since my last treatment and with my Liver Tumor Markers going up, it showed that the last chemo treatment was no longer active. The timing was just right for me to have another treatment and although my blood levels and platelets could have been better, it was too risky to wait any longer for chemo. 

We have made some changes in my treatment plan. I, prayerfully, will be able to have chemo every 3 weeks. Rather than having the Neulasta Onpro (which cost $6,231.00 per dose after each chemo treatment) attached to my stomach right after my treatment, I will come back the following day and have a shot in my arm. That is the shot I went to Bruno for this morning. It was questionable that it worked properly last time. It is supposed to help keep my White Blood Cell Count at a higher level, but instead, they went to zero and I ended up in the hospital. Now, we will have better control and will know for sure that I am getting the full dose. 

Also, when I was in the hospital, they gave me an IV bag with a medication to help clear the mouth and throat sores/ulcers and thrush. When I left the hospital, it had all cleared-up except for my throat still hurt to swallow. They gave me a prescription to take 3 pills at home that was the same medication as what they had given me via IV. I asked Dr. Bondly if I could get a prescription for this medication to take after each treatment to help me not get to the point where I can not eat or drink. It is unbelievably painful and I had barely any food or drink for a week prior to my going to the hospital....that is why I was malnourished and dehydrated when I got to the hospital. I had only consumed enough to get by and that was a hard task. Dr. Bondly agreed that I should start taking the medication, Diflucan 100 MG, one per day. I am praying that this will help. Also, I have started using my Miracle Mouthwash three times a day, starting today, as a preventative measure. 

In addition, rather than going from having my chemo treatments to not going back until my next treatment, I asked Dr. Bondly if I could come in on the off weeks and have a blood panel ran. She agreed that would be a good idea....especially with my history. We have to keep a very close eye on where my blood levels are at all time. Also, if I have a fever of 100.4, we have to take immediate action. 

Also, if I need a blood transfusion, platelet transfusion, and/or IV antibiotics…and Bruno is open, I can have everything done there. Hopefully, that would keep me from another hospital stay..,,just depends on the severity of my condition.

No one will ever champion your cause better than you will and your family. Please always be proactive. Don't be afraid or reluctant to ask questions or make suggestions. It is your life and no professional is going to want to save your life more than you do. Please be proactive in having your annual mammograms. If you have history of breast cancer in your family, you need to talk to your doctor about starting mammograms earlier than usual....say if you are still in your 30's. 

I have learned that although I only had one lymph node under my right arm, out of all that were removed, that showed cancer in it....and although during my Bilateral Mastectomy my surgeon got clear margins.....that is all it took to bring me where I am today. Little did we know, but before I had the surgery and possibly before I was even diagnosed, some cancer cells had already passed through that one lymph node. It was just a matter of time that they would show up. They have been dormant because I was being given such aggressive radiation and chemo treatments. After those those treatments stopped and the Femara wasn't working (which as I said before, we didn't know) the cancer cells came alive and started to move quickly. By the time we found out it was in my bones, my bones were covered with cancerous lesions. I had been taking calcium as prescribed by my Oncologist, but we found out that the calcium was actually leaking through my bones into my body so I had to immediately stop any calcium intake. Within less than a month of finding out it was in my bones, it spread quickly to my liver. My liver showed cancerous lesions all over it. 

My cancer is very aggressive. I have Metastatic Breast Cancer Stage 4 which has rapidly gone to my bones, liver, and bone marrow. I know that I ask for prayers a lot, but I believe that God is answering our prayers and I desperately need all of the faith-filled prayer warriors to lift me before our Father daily pleading for my treatments to work, for me to have many more active years here with my family and to be able to serve, honor Him, and use my miraculous testimony to give praise and glory to Him. According to statistics, my time left is short; however, we have a great, mighty, and powerful Great Physician Who can change my statistics. 

My life and the lives of my family are forever changed because of my cancer. Some of my dreams might not come to fruition.....like traveling across the US or going back to Panama Central America on a mission trip, but when you are faced with death, your perspectives and desires change. My skin has aged 10 years in the past 3 and although I have tried a lot of different things, I cannot get my skin hydrated. So, you learn that if you can live, but live wrinkled and bald....life is good! For now, I am very much tied to the cancer center as I will have to go almost every week now. I will never be able to come off of cancer fighting treatments. There are so many issues/side-effects that come from having to take these strong/toxic drugs, but without them....I know the result. 

I will live one day at a time and am thankful for every morning that I get to see a beautiful new day. Although I can't get around crowds, there are a lot of serve projects that I can do at home and that brings me joy. I pray that all of you will never take a breath for granted. Life is a precious gift and as the Scriptures say....it is as a vapor. Far too often we don't take that as seriously as we should. 

I am so very thankful for each of you who have followed my cancer journey. I have received so may cards, calls, messages, financial assistance, special surprise gifts in the mail and prayers...prayers...and more prayers. Believe me, not one thing that any of you have done for me and my family has gone unnoticed. I thank God for each of you! God listens and I believe He is answering....PLEASE continue to pray for me daily! There is no greater gift that you can give me and my family. Please remember them in your prayers as well. This journey has been a very hard one for them.  

My family is my rock! I am so thankful that God knew just the perfect people to bless me with. He knew I would need them, but our love for each other....well, it couldn't be any greater. They are amazing in every way. Even my precious grands pray for their MiMi every night. I hate so much that a big part of their little lives they have had to live with me and their Big Daddy so sick....and last year they lost their Nana Sue, Joey's mama. They have gone through so much to be so young. I am so blessed that my children are faith-filled believers and my grands are being reared in a loving, Christian home. That is a wonderful blessing that goes beyond any measure. 

My prayer for each of you:

"The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: the Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." Numbers 6:24-26   

If you would like to bless me with a financial love offering to help with my medical expenses, my address and GoFundMe link is below:

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004

Click Here To Donate

God is and has been leading my journey. It is in Him that I place my faith and trust. He gives me hope everyday and because of Him....I can still smile and live with joy and peace. 

I love you all! 



  1. Oh Patricia, my prayers will never stop for you and your healing. I pray for Larry, your children and grandchildren as well. I pray for the new treatments to work as well as possible and I pray for the fewest side-effects as possible. I love you so much and my prayers will never stop.

  2. Your faith reaches far beyond this earthly abode, it lives in your life each day you share your faith journey. None of us know when the Lord will call us home but I am certain your children and grans and future generations will.forever be blessed by your story. I love you and pray for you and your entire family.

  3. I see this as a God thing! His timing is not ours. He knows just what and to whom you witness is carried. You are on the Lord's path and others have been included. We know not when but we know the Lord is in control and trusting in Him is always the right path. Dear Lord, in the name of Jesus I come before You to thank You for letting Patricia come into my life in the 1st grade and continues to be such a Godly lady in my life today. Thank you that she is always in Your hands and You are watching and know her path for Your Word tells us so. I pray You would extend her path and let her healing continue. She speaks of Your love and talks and prays each day for those that need to hear Your Word and be comforted or refreshed. She is your child and I pray for more quality time for Patricia In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

    1. We (North Boulevard - Women in Persistent Prayer) continue to lift you and your family up in prayer each day! Praying that God gives you the strength, wisdom and peace that is far beyond our understanding! We love you!! Blessings!

  4. Patricia: We continue to fervently pray for your strength and peace with being at one with God! May HE continue to bless you, your family and all the medical care people! We love you!!

  5. NB Women in Persistent Prayer wanted to confirm again this week how much we care for you and your family! Prayers continue for your strength, peace, hope and your (and our) dedication to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! We Love You!

  6. Romans 8:38-39 - For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    That is our promise and I'm so thankful. Hope this gives you courage, strength and power in HIS name. Our prayers continue for you, your family and the medical staff. We Love You!
    from the Women in Persistent Prayer at North Boulevard church

  7. Patricia: Continuing to keep you. your family and the medical team in our thoughts, our prayers and in our hearts!!

    Deuteronomy 31:6 - "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."

    We Love You!
    North Blvd. Women in Persistent Prayer

  8. Patricia:
    We have you in our hearts, minds and prayers daily!! We know with your strength in the faith that God is working wonderful things in you! May HE give you peace, continued strength and assurance in HIS promises for all of us!! Hope you are having a very restful day and pain-free!
    We Love You!
    North Blvd. Women in Persistent Prayer

  9. Patricia:
    Praying for your complete healing and God's Will be done.
    We so admire your dedication to our Lord!
    May God's peace that passes ALL understanding by yours today!!
    We Love You!
    In Christ,
    North Boulevard Women in Persistent Prayer

  10. Patricia:
    We are praying for your peace and comfort and know that God is surrounding you with HIS love!
    May you have a pain-free day and calmness knowing the HOPE that you have within you!

    1 Peter 3:15 - "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,"

    We LOVE you so much!

    In Christ,
    Women in Persistent Prayer at North Boulevard

  11. Patricia: We are humbly bowing to our God and praying that HE surrounds you with a pain-free day and Peace that passes all understanding.
    We LOVE you!!
    In Christ,
    Women in Persistent Prayer at North Boulevard

  12. Patricia:
    We continue in our prayers each day to ask our Lord for your healing - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! That everywhere you look, hear and feel the presence of God in your midst! May HE always be your focus, first!
    We Love You!!
    In Christ,
    NB Women in Persistent Prayer

  13. Patricia,
    Romans 8:31-39

    "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written:

    “For your sake we face death all day long;
    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.”

    No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    We LOVE You and continue to pray for you and your family daily!!

    To God be the Glory!

    In Christ,
    North Boulevard church of Christ - Women in Persistent Prayer


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