
Showing posts from December, 2017

Do I look like, live like.....His church?

Perhaps you have experienced God putting a word or message on your heart, but you weren't sure how to convey it to others in the clearest, most concise manner. Well, this morning while I was getting ready for the day I went to YouTube and was prompted to look up Francis Chan's new 2017 videos. I scanned a couple and almost immediately this one stood out to me as if to say...."This is the message for you this morning." The more I listened, the more convicted I became. This mes sage encapsulated so many thoughts, questions, and issues that I have been tossing around lately.....and even through conversations that I have recently shared.  As a believer and follower of Jesus, I know this message from Francis Chan is on point and is one that needs to be heard and shared over and over. It is a message that will leave you questioning where you are in your walk and where do I go from here. Please, take the 50 minutes to listen to this message and allow it to penetrate and mo

Pray With Boldness.....

"Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.’" Luke 11:1 Not in every home, but in in America, we bow our heads and say grace and ask God to ‘give us this day our daily bread.  And then? We hop in our cars, run down to the grocery store and buy a loaf or two. We ask Him to keep us safe and warm. Then parents buy their kids the best car seats available, and we crank up the furnace whenever we feel chilly. It is so easy in our culture to provide the answer to our own prayers. But in the mission field, when people will pray for God to give them their daily bread, not knowing if they will have enough food to feed their families that night. Their prayers are bold. They ask God for things they can’t always provide for themselves. I have recently been thinking of this and how so many times I feel I am asking God for what I already can and do take care of myse


Many times, hopefully, in our conversations with God, we will ask for Him to guide our footsteps. Are we just mouthing words that "sound" like a good idea in theory OR do we actually mean what we are asking for? Are we REALLY willing to release the tight reins we hold on our lives.....can we even do that? Yes, we CAN do it, but it takes immense REAL faith and trust in God and we must really believe that He will not let us down. No matter if we put our faith in Jesus or not, w e don't really have any control over our lives; therefore worry and stress only hurts and complicates our time offers zero in how things will turn out. Releasing the reins, giving up what we consider as "our control" opens up the door for a deeper, loving relationship with Jesus. Allow the Holy Spirit living within to truly take over your life and feel the overwhelming peace from within. Either we believe or we don't...."And we know that God causes EVERYTHING to work to

Start Fresh - Be Open

Sometimes I believe we have become "too big for our britches" as my grandmother would say.  We read God's Word, pull out (or look up) several different translations - gather a variety of commentaries and lexicons so we can explore the "original" language in which it was written. We have many now getting Bible degrees...Not to be ministers, Bible teachers, or missionaries....but just so they can "better" understand God's inspired Words.  I'm not saying education and checking-out all the available study materials isn't a good thing...Believe me, I am all for high education - BUT....As my daddy used to tell me, "We have too many people going to these Preaching Schools - they are going to educate themselves right out of the Bible." Well, I think my daddy could have been on to something. For those of us hungry for knowledge, understanding, and Truth - It might pay us to spend more quite time ONLY reading God's Word...p

The Least of These......

"Whatever you did for one of the least of these … you did for me." Matthew 25:40b Some of us might be called to minister to the homeless, others to adopt, others to fight for the unborn, others to help orphans, others to encourage the persecuted.....and countless other possibilities. Cultivating a sacrificial lifestyle often starts with one simple step, such as ministering to someone in our community. We must be willing to let God stretch us beyond what is comfortable and eas y. He will open our eyes to the ways in which He desires us to become His hands and feet to those in need.  Throughout history, the Christians who’ve made the most impact for God’s kingdom rarely lived comfortable or convenient lives. Their mighty acts for God required enormous personal sacrifice and a willingness to venture far beyond the realm of the easy and convenient. If today’s Christians are too busy, who will take up the torch of Gospel-centered rescue work in this generation?  We MUST

Blue Skies.......

What a difference a day makes! The gray is gone and is now filled with the most beautiful bluest of blue skies. The snow from yesterday is slowly melting away and the snow from the trees falling to the ground as it disappears.  And such is life… Some days it feels like the weight of what just landed on top of us is going to break us apart, but through prayer, faith, and God‘s everlasting love and healing in our lives… our today has sun shining in it and little by little the burden, at least for now, drifts away.  And because of His everlasting faithfulness to us, we can see His glory and His beauty in both the gray skies and the blue.