Start Fresh - Be Open

Sometimes I believe we have become "too big for our britches" as my grandmother would say. 

We read God's Word, pull out (or look up) several different translations - gather a variety of commentaries and lexicons so we can explore the "original" language in which it was written. We have many now getting Bible degrees...Not to be ministers, Bible teachers, or missionaries....but just so they can "better" understand God's inspired Words. 

I'm not saying education and checking-out all the available study materials isn't a good thing...Believe me, I am all for high education - BUT....As my daddy used to tell me, "We have too many people going to these Preaching Schools - they are going to educate themselves right out of the Bible."

Well, I think my daddy could have been on to something. For those of us hungry for knowledge, understanding, and Truth - It might pay us to spend more quite time ONLY reading God's Word...praying for the Holy Spirit's guidance...asking our Father for the wisdom that He has promised us...if only we would ask. 

I know many godly people with a real grasp of the Holy Scriptures...Some might call them "simple" people because they aren't highly educated...they simply love the Lord and hold dear the words written on every page - Words that He breathed into existence for each one of us.

I don't think God had it in His mind and on His heart to make His precious gift so difficult that we can't and follow. "And Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." God wants each of us to be as humble and innocent as little children...maybe we need to read His Word fresh and new with the openness of a child.

Maybe then we will see the Truth He wants us to enjoy!


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