Do I look like, live like.....His church?

Perhaps you have experienced God putting a word or message on your heart, but you weren't sure how to convey it to others in the clearest, most concise manner. Well, this morning while I was getting ready for the day I went to YouTube and was prompted to look up Francis Chan's new 2017 videos. I scanned a couple and almost immediately this one stood out to me as if to say...."This is the message for you this morning." The more I listened, the more convicted I became. This message encapsulated so many thoughts, questions, and issues that I have been tossing around lately.....and even through conversations that I have recently shared. 

As a believer and follower of Jesus, I know this message from Francis Chan is on point and is one that needs to be heard and shared over and over. It is a message that will leave you questioning where you are in your walk and where do I go from here. Please, take the 50 minutes to listen to this message and allow it to penetrate and move you to a greater faith walk. You will be blessed! Amen! †


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