Be the church.............

It is not what we can do on our own, but what He will do through us that brings out our strength and power. Put your ever trusting faith and trust in Him and watch amazing things happen in your life. His blessings will be abundant as you reach outside of yourself to help others in His Name. 

If there is one homeless, if there is one thirsty, if there is one hungry, alone, depressed, in need of get my message. If there is one who has a need and we can supply that need, as a follower of Jesus, we are to do so. Even if we feel we are without ourselves, when we give beyond, He will replace and exceed our giving. We are His message carriers. We are His hands and feet on this earth to be used for His purpose and for His glory. BE THE CHURCH....OUTSIDE THE WALLS!

You are welcome. God put these words on my heart to share. Furthermore, this is one of His messages that I frequently talk about. It is in the our daily lives....that we fulfill Jesus words to us in Matthew 25. The judgment in Matthew 25 is not based on saints gathering together, but what we do outside the walls. 

The "church" is those "called out." The word 'church' in the New Testament is translated from the Greek word 'ekklesia' which comes from two words 'ek' meaning 'out' and 'kaleo' meaning to 'call.' An ekklesia or 'calling out' was not just an assembly. We are called out into our communities, our cities, and to the world. The gathering or assembling of believers is for edification and uplifting of each other and to equip ourselves to go where those in need and lost of this world are. 


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