Shadow of Death.................

One of the most difficult things to deal with in life is the death of a loved one. Even for the Christian, death is a part of life. Unlike they that do not believe, the Christian has a blessed hope....that is the return of the Savior Jesus to catch up His Church and bring them to eternal life with Him and God the Father.
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil," ~ Psalm 23:4
Between earth and those who have gone into eternity, death lies like a dark valley that must be passed in going from one to the other. It is but the shadow of death: the shadow of a serpent will not sting, nor the shadow of a sword kill. It is a valley, deep indeed, and dark, and miry....but valleys are often fruitful, and so is death itself fruitful of comforts to God's people. It is a walk through it....they shall not be lost in this valley, but get safe to the mountain on the other side. Death is full of terrors, but not to the sheep of Christ. When we pass from this life to the next, God will rebuke the enemy; He will guide us with His rod, and sustain us with His staff....into His everlasting arms.


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