
Showing posts from 2019

Devotional: God is REAL....God is BIGGER!

It is so easy to get caught up in all of the dark and evil of this world and allow that to cast shadows over our joy and peace. We are human, those emotions are natural, and it’s going to happen. However, our Creator and Father God is REAL and He is bigger than any situation we will face on Earth.  Yes, sometimes it is difficult to allow ourselves to be calmed by God Who seems so far away and distant. But that’s the problem...if you perceive God in that manner. He is here amon g us! He sees what we see, He knows what we know...and then you can multiply that by an infinite number. He is not some distant Being.  In times of stress, struggles, and heartbreak...He is the only One Who has the power to make a change, to give true peace, comfort, and healing. Our minds can’t fathom how mighty and powerful He is, yet...He always has an ear open for our words, our cries.  His love for His children is beyond measure. He is our strength in the calm and in the stor

Devotional: Sing - Dance - Shout

Sing and dance through the tough times. That is when you need positive energy the most. There is something about music, singing, and dancing that makes you feel life at its ultimate.  As we read in the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:4, “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” While we are here....fill your soul with laughter and dancing. Weeping and mourning will come when we can no longer do these things.  Shout with joy in the middle of your struggle  because we know it is only for a season. Life is truly like a vapor and with age, that truth is given a more resonated meaning. So, count every breath as a blessing and treat it as if it could be your last.  Soak up God’s beauty that surrounds and let every person in your life know that they are loved and important. Shine His Light and make His world a better place.  He has given life....rejoice in it....even in the storms! Amen!

December 29, 1995......A Time of Reflection

This was a year not to be forgotten! It was December, 1995. A few days prior to Christmas, my daddy was sick and went into the hospital with a hiatal hernia and bronchitis. We thought it would be a quick in and out, but that wasn’t to be. While in the hospital, he developed pneumonia. We went to visit him three days before Christmas in the hospital. He was alert and doing pretty well. He was on general medication/antibiotics, etc., but no pain medication. Therefore, we didn’t really understand what he meant when he said, “Do you see them? They are here to get me, but I’m not ready.” Then, daddy laughed and said, “But, I will be ready when they come back.” By Christmas Eve, I was sick with the flu and was running a high fever. On Christmas Day, I wasn’t even able to get out of bed. I was so upset because I missed seeing my mama and daddy and also couldn’t even be with my children. The day after Christmas was mama and daddy’s wedding anniversary. I was able to call the h

A Harrod’s Christmas - 1964

A Harrod’s Christmas Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Oh…..wait a minute…..I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a bit and start my story again.  It was a very cold December, 1964, but excitement and anticipation filled the air. It is Friday, December 18th, and as soon as the school bell rings, we are out for Christmas. Miss Scaife let us decorate a small Christmas tree last week. It was so much fun! We made popcorn chains and really cool chains out of construction paper. Each child made a personal ornament to put on the tree. I made a Christmas wreath and wrote my mama, daddy, and brother’s name on it. We even got to put colored lights on the tree. In 1964, big colored lights were all we had, but they were so festive and beautiful. Miss Scaife bought silver tinsel and gave each child a hand-full. Then, she gathered us all around the tree, counted 1, 2, 3 and then said, “throw!” Tinsel went everyw

CANCER: Satan Will NOT Win!!!

It has been one week since I finished my 6 month round of chemo which included 9 rounds of chemo with each round lasting 2 weeks. I have been pumping a lot of chemo in my body since June and it compiles. Therefore, I didn't get really any significant relief from my side-effects for the duration. Since the chemo is still working in my body and will be there for a while....the side-effects often get even worse nearer the end. As most of you know, I have documented my cancer journey in my blog, which also includes pics. I am just sharing two pics from the ones I took last night because there is no sense in overload...these show a great one of the swelling in my feet. However, I have definitely realized that a pic cannot convey the severity of matter how a photo might appear to the eye. My hands and fingers/hands are cracked and feet are the same, but worse. And, on top of that....I have been dealing with my feet swelling to where they looke

CANCER: A Pain-Filled Night....

I have enjoyed a great Thanksgiving Day with my family… However the pain of my Hand-Foot Syndrome side effects of chemo just does not let up. I am not been able to close my fingers down because of the swelling and pain and I have new open places on my feet that are bleeding. I know this phase will be behind me soon....Praise God!  But, for tonight I would appreciate some prayers lifted for pain relief and also for swelling to go down. My hands and feet feel like they are on fire! The pain is a combination of burning, open tears in the skin, and nerve pain. Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia (Hand-Foot Syndrome) disrupts the nerves in the hands and feet which causes pain and throbbing. It occasionally has given me  neuropathy, but I am so blessed that it had always been only for short periods of time.  I am so happy to be nearing the end of this phase of my cancer journey. Thank you for praying for me. God is forever blessing me! He is my Rock and my Fortress.  God