CANCER: Satan Will NOT Win!!!

It has been one week since I finished my 6 month round of chemo which included 9 rounds of chemo with each round lasting 2 weeks. I have been pumping a lot of chemo in my body since June and it compiles. Therefore, I didn't get really any significant relief from my side-effects for the duration. Since the chemo is still working in my body and will be there for a while....the side-effects often get even worse nearer the end.

As most of you know, I have documented my cancer journey in my blog, which also includes pics. I am just sharing two pics from the ones I took last night because there is no sense in overload...these show a great one of the swelling in my feet. However, I have definitely realized that a pic cannot convey the severity of matter how a photo might appear to the eye. My hands and fingers/hands are cracked and feet are the same, but worse. And, on top of that....I have been dealing with my feet swelling to where they looked like they could pop. It has been an extremely tough week. The pain and discomfort has been so intense!!!

Satan cannot attack my faith and win, but he has certainly shot the flaming darts of hell fire on my hands and feet in order to cause me agony. I have not slept well as even the sheets hurt my feet. My hands and feet have had intense nerve ending throbbing, burning, and pain this week as well. I use a lot of medications and oils, but nothing really helps. It is going to cycle through until the chemo starts to dissipate. There have been times this week that I just felt like screaming from the pain, but I knew that wouldn't help.

God has given me more strength than I could have ever imagined to withstand what I have gone through over the past 15 months. It has been a nightmare, but has also brought so many blessings into my life. Last Christmas, I was so sick from being in the middle of infused chemo. The year before, I was extremely sick with the flu and wasn't able to get out of bed. I am praying that I will be better by Christmas.

I am so handicapped right now with both my hands and feet. If I even try to walk to the mailbox and back, it irritates my feet so bad. Typing is a struggle as the tips of my fingers are raw. I'm just being real! My cancer journey has been about being real and open because when God blesses me with complete earthly healing.....the glory will be all His and I will honor Him with my life, my testimony, and my service.

Healing is God's nature. God, through His Holy Spirit is in me. Diseases and sicknesses are tools of the kingdom of darkness to destroy the temple of God. My body is the temple of the Lord that refreshes me, renews me, and heals me. God is bigger than any sickness and disease. And, He has all power over satan....satan has already been defeated! God is dwelling inside of me, healing me now! Jesus came to destroy the works of satan.

1 John 3:8 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Amen and Amen!

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Love y'all!

(Pics Below)

The Lord who has compassion on you says, "For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed."
Isaiah 54:10

If you feel led to make a "love offering," all 
assistance is appreciated. 

GoFundMe Account:

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#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
 #MyCancerWarisOn  #MyGoalisCancerFree
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