
Showing posts from January, 2020

CANCER: Today....There is Hope!

I continue to lift all in my prayers who are living with and fighting their daily battle with cancer. I pray for the families who fight this battle by their side and who give continued, loving support.  I pray that you all feel the blessings of this Monday and this new week.  Today is a new day, and I am ready to face it with courage. Today is a new chance and I am ready to live with conviction. Today is a new opportunity, and I am ready to make better choices. Today is a new possibility, and I am ready to face any obstacle. Today is a new way of thinking, of walking and being, and doing. Today is a new day, and I am ready to live every moment. Today is a new day.....Today, like everyday, is a blessed gift from God.  I pray that you all are gaining health and strength with each new day. I pray that God is working a miracle in and through your lives. I pray for your peace and comfort when the storms of "today" come and that when they pass.....a brightness will envel

Devotional: NO Cancer.....Welcome 2020!

Ok y’all....I’ve been telling you all that 2020 was going to be my year of renewal! In December, I could feel my body getting better, healthier and excitement with anticipation started bursting through my soul. It’s like a caged animal that has been set-free! So many thoughts, possibilities, and dreams now have the chance to come alive and you don’t know which opportunity to grab hold of first. With that, you continue in prayer asking for His Holy Spirit’s guidance.  I have be en waiting....walking through the fire....for 16 months waiting for the day I knew would come because He promised it to me on the day I was diagnosed with Bilateral Breast Cancer. I am so happy and my heart is filled with joy. I feel so alive...I can taste again, feel again without pain, I can smell again, I have energy again. I have a lot of tests and doctor’s appointments over the next two months, but I am not concerned. I am going to be just fine!  My children are getting all of me back and my gr

Devotional: His Path

We have a tendency sometimes to wobble, to zigzag, to fall off the path… just not able to keep our focus and direction headed in the right way. That happens when we take our eyes off of Whose footsteps we are to be following. Focus on Jesus, His words, don’t resist God’s plan, and welcome the working of His Holy Spirit into your life. We must give up control; otherwise, we will continue hitting all the potholes in our journey. His footsteps will lead to life eternal! Amen! ✝️

Devotional: God of My Days.....

Yes, He is God of ALL of my days! On those days I am struggling, the days I feel beat-up, the days I am sick....on the days I feel like I’ve been kicked by life again....He lifts me back up and reminds me that I am His daughter. Just like on the good days when we feel secure in His presence....He is with us in the middle of our pain as well, no matter what that pain or disappointment looks like. He isn’t going to turn loose.  He will not allow us to fall and not get up. He is  always near, always lending His ear, and always offering unconditional love. But, we must make Him the priority of our lives. We must follow His path.  Our focus must be on Him and do what He has asked of us. We have a choice! I have made mine and YES, He is God of ALL of my life. I hope He is the God of your life as well. It’s your choice, but there is no greater reward than walking with and living for Jesus! Amen!  ✝️

Devotional: It’s Worth the Wait....

We experience things through our physical senses. We live in a physical world which includes the dimension of time. God, however, dwells in a different dimension...the spirit realm....beyond the natural perception of our physical.  God is not limited, as we are, by the physical laws and dimensions that govern our world. Therefore, when we pray His answer does not always come right away. Sometimes we might even perceive that God is not responding, that He isn’t listening. Since He is not bound by time as we are, He will answer in His time and in His way.  We have to trust in matter how long we have to wait. Continue lifting your prayers to Him...He is listening and He will answer! Amen!  ✝️

Devotional: The Lost....

Everybody knows that Jesus came to save “church” people....right? Actually, not. Jesus says that He came to find those who are lost...sinners. Jesus loves sinners!  He didn’t come for the healthy...He came for those who are sick. This Jesus...He is the One you want to follow. Amen!  “For the Son of Man came to seek  and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

Devotional: A Second Chance From God.....

Jesus calls you who are separated from Him...He calls you who are broken...He calls you who are addicted...He calls those of us who are lost, lonely, sad...those of us who didn't get the life we should have gotten....those who have made a mess of your life....that is why Jesus came. That is why He came to seek out the lost and to heal the spiritually sick. He offers healing to all that is broken.  The "Good News" is that a sick person can become healthy. Part of our healing pr ocess is allowing Jesus to lead us away from our sickness. Jesus welcomes the song goes..."Just As I Am" but, He doesn't want to leave us that way.  When Jesus calls us into the kingdom, He calls us to do two things. We can see it in Mark 1:15 and also in Matthew 4:17. In Matthew 4:17, Jesus very first word in the Gospel is "Repent." "Repent," Jesus said, "because the kingdom of God is here." In Marks Gospel, Jesus puts it this way, "