CANCER: A New Complication.....My Heart

I met today with the Cardiologist, Dr. Monica Hunter, at the Southview Cardiology, that I was referred to by my Medical Oncologist....Dr. Bondly.

About three weeks ago, I did not feel well all day. I started to feel pressure on my chest and then had pain in my left arm. I took an aspirin, but never got to feeling better. I felt nauseated most of the day. I went to bed a bit earlier than usual and around 4:00 I woke up throwing up profusely. I threw-up a few times and then it stopped. I thought that maybe it was a virus, but also knew that it could be a heart issue. 

When I met with Dr. Bondly last week, I told her what had occurred and she suggested that I see a Cardiologist. Since chemo and radiation can potentially cause heart issues, she did not want me to let it go unchecked. She put me on a low-grade adult aspirin until we know more. 

Today, Dr. Hunter asked a lot of questions and I basically brought her up to current about my last 17 month journey with cancer. I shared something with her that I had not shared with anyone else. After chemo, I had a slight numbing down the outer side of my left leg from the hip to the knee. Also, when I was in the hospital to have my double mastectomy, they tried to put an IV in my left foot. It would not work and it was extremely painful. One of the nurses, in passing, asked, "Do you have a blockage?" That did freak me out a bit because I had the numbness in my left leg. However, I let it slide because I had so much other stuff going on. 

She inquired about shortness of breath, rattle in lungs, swelling feet/hands, etc. I told her it was hard or really impossible for me to distinguish what was chemo related and what might be heart related. Many of the medicines I take, along with chemo, give me those symptoms. 

I was given an EKG and my heart muscle showed to be strong. Then, she pulled the Eco-cardiogram that I had in September 2018 prior to starting chemo and the one I had in February 2019. She said that my lung levels were elevated in the second Eco-cardiogram. I told her that was when the chemo Taxotere had given me Pneumonitis in my lungs and that probably accounted for the elevated numbers. 

She ordered an Eco-cardiogram for me to go downstairs and have immediately. I had both a non-contrast and contrast with an IV and solution put in to enhance the pictures. There again, my heart muscle showed to be strong and pumping good. Dr. Hunt seems to think that there is something going on such a block or other issue. She said that the "Red Devil" Adriamycin is some of the strongest chemo available and it is known to cause various heart issues. 

After Dr. Hunter has time to go over my Eco-cardiogram, she is going to schedule me a Stress Test. And, then we will proceed from there. I know there is an issue and so does Dr. Hunter. At this time, we just don't know what it is. 

I would appreciate everyone's prayers as this is a new journey that I am having to travel. I have been looking for 2020 being a year of moving forward and getting well and stronger again. I have gained around 20 pounds over the past 17 months because I have not been able to get any exercise because of one issue after another. 

My faith is strong and I will hit this head-on like I have every other thing that has come my way in this cancer journey. My family is strong and faith-filled warriors just like I am and they never leave my side. Please keep them in your prayers as well. The families of the sick also need to be lifted up in prayer and encouraged as well. 

Love to you all! I will update when I know more. 

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” 
Psalm 100:4-5

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are a true blessing!

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#PraiseGod   #ThankYouJesus
#CrushingCancer  #MyGoalisCancerFree   
#Orthopedic     #Cardiovascular 


  1. Have no fear! God is with you. Prayers and praise it what we need to do. Thank Him for the cure of your cancer and prayers to Him to give you strength and remembering that the same God that walked with you through your cancer treatment is the same God that will walk with you through this trial.
    In Jesus' name, Lord God I pray that you will give Patricia Wyrosdick peace through this new trial and continue on with her Earthly healing in all areas of her body. Prayers and love and peace to Patricia and her family for 24/7. Amen. 🙏💓☝ 💯☝

  2. Thank you, Diane. Amen and Amen!


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