
Showing posts from April, 2021

Metastatic Breast is ever changing with a mind of its own!

“ God  is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”   Psalm 46:1-3 As most of you know, I was recently diagnosed from Stage 3 Bilateral Breast Cancer to Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer and it had already moved into my bones when I found out. The cancer had also had caused a compressed fracture in my lower spine. When Ashleigh asked where all the cancer was in the bones....she was told....anywhere you can touch. I have been in excruciating pain from the bone cancer; however, the pain medication helps and so did the radiation treatments. The radiation helped by killing the cancer in the spots where I was hurting the most.  I was recently put on a Shot Protocol for Breast Metastatic Cancer in the Bones. I have been taking two shots of Faslodex (Fulvestrant) which is for the cancer and one shot of Xgeva which is to strengthen the bones. When I went and had the biopsies on March 19th, had a Consultation with Dr.Bondly, and had bloodwork, on March 25th I received all result

My Cancer Journey Continues: April 22nd Update

Deuteronomy 31:8 “ The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” We say we are going to stay strong. We say we are going to fight the war against cancer that is ravaging your body. And, yes....we do exactly that, but let me make it very is so hard!!! Almost every morning I get up feeling like I've been hit by a truck and the truck won. It usually takes me until mid-day to start feeling somewhat human...and that depends on the day. Some days I just sleep because I have no energy to do anything else. Part of that comes from the insomnia that I am suffering from the medications I take and part of it comes from the cancer that is trying to steal the life right out of me. Psalm 27:12 "The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"  If you have read my last couple of blog posts, you know that my can

Radiation Treatments for Pain Relief Began WednesdayApril 7, 2021

I will be adding this to my blog later, but thought I would go ahead and share this now. Today was my third day of radiation. The first day took a while to do the mappings and markings for where the radiation needs to hit. Currently, they are doing radiation treatments on my neck and across my lower spine. I have a compressed fracture from the cancer and it is causing excruciating pain. The technicians made a mold for my feet and legs to lay in while they radiate my spine. They bind my feet together so I can’t move. The technicians took a large piece of hard plastic with holes in is attached to a hard plastic frame with bolts through it. They heat it up in an oven and lay it across your face as they start to make a mold for your face. It turns extremely hard. Your mouth, chin, etc can not move at all. There is an opening made for your nose and eyes. After it has form-fitted your face, it is bolted all the way around to the table so during radiation treatments on my neck, I can