My Cancer Journey Continues: April 22nd Update

Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

We say we are going to stay strong. We say we are going to fight the war against cancer that is ravaging your body. And, yes....we do exactly that, but let me make it very is so hard!!! Almost every morning I get up feeling like I've been hit by a truck and the truck won. It usually takes me until mid-day to start feeling somewhat human...and that depends on the day. Some days I just sleep because I have no energy to do anything else. Part of that comes from the insomnia that I am suffering from the medications I take and part of it comes from the cancer that is trying to steal the life right out of me.

Psalm 27:12

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

 If you have read my last couple of blog posts, you know that my cancer is now Stage 4 and that it is in my bones. My Oncologist said it is everywhere you can touch. How scary is that? VERY!!! I have been in excruciating pain to where I could barely move. My children and grands have had to help me in and out of chairs, hold my arm as I walk, open and shut doors for me. In order to go watch John Franklin play ball, they bought me a chair that I can safely sit in with a pillow behind my back. They help me in and out of the chair and when I am cold, they provide a blanket. They carry everything with me and they even walk with me to the restroom to make sure I make it there and back safely. They are so loving and take amazing care of me! They are my earthly angels! 

Cancer is HORRIFIC! 

The radiation treatments have have helped, but hopefully my pain level will continue to get better. The radiation treatments will continue to work for 2 to 3 weeks. I have trouble swallowing, I have little taste, and most of what I taste does not taste good. I also have very little appetite. I thought the loss of appetite was part of the "normal" symptoms that go along with taking the 3 shots for cancer and my bones...combined with the radiation treatments.

I also started having some hiccups, that started about the time I lost my appetite. I went to my Medical Oncology appointment this week at the Bruno Cancer Center. I had bloodwork, 3 shots, and two with Dr. Bondly and one with her nurse, Ed. Dr. Bondly casually mentioned to me that my liver enzymes were elevated in my last bloodwork. My bloodwork results from Thursday had not come back yet. She said it would be another 30 minutes, but if my liver enzymes were still elevated, I would need a CT Scan. Ed walked me back to the where the chemo bays are for me to have my shots. Enough time had passed that my bloodwork results were back and my liver enzymes were once again elevated. 

Come to find out, my lack of appetite and hiccups are related to my elevated liver enzymes. Even the color of your bowel waste can relate to liver enzyme issues. My children had not told me until Thursday afternoon, but they had seen a yellowing in the inner corners of my eyes. I was shocked because I had not noticed it. Another sign of liver issues.

When the type breast cancer I have, ER+, goes to Stage 4, which is metastatic breast cancer, it goes to the bones, liver, or lungs. Mine as gone to my bones; therefore, it's next progression will most likely be the liver. I will be having a CT Scan Monday afternoon at St. Vincent's Main. I have to be there at 3:50pm and the CT Scan should start around 4:20pm. 

We obviously know there is a problem with my liver, but I am trying so hard not to jump ahead of the results and think it is cancer. That is very hard not to do....not only for me, but for my family also. When you have cancer, every pain or something out of the norm, your mind immediately goes to cancer. That's just reality!

Romans 8:38-39

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

I have been researching, but mainly my precious Ashleigh has put in hours of research trying to decide where for me to go next. My current Oncologist that I have had for 2 1/2 years is not a breast cancer specialist, although she follows protocol. The Bruno Cancer Center has been awesome to me, but I am at the point now where I need more. When my Oncologist told me that statistics show I have 24 to 30 months to live, eat what you want, travel if you feel like it, take anxiety and pain prescriptions to veil my reality....I knew at that moment that I had to change Oncologist and Cancer Centers. I must have someone who is willing to fight along side me in a very real way....not just for me and give me shots until they stop working and I am no longer here. 

There are several great Cancer Centers across the US that offer Mind, Body, care with Cancer Nutrition Specialists, top equipment, and trials. I need Integrated, Complimentary...along with Traditional care. UAB is a Nationally High Rated Comprehensive Center at the O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center. Their Breast Cancer Department Director is not only a Scientist, but a Specialist in Breast Cancer. Therefore, I had decided to leave Bruno and go to UAB. However, now that decision might have to go in a different order. IF my test come back showing cancer in my liver, I won't have time to go from Bruno to UAB and then to MD Anderson. I will have to go direct from Bruno to MD Anderson and then work my way to UAB later. 

Psalm 31:24

"Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the LORD!"

We don't know what the future holds, but I will be calling my insurance right away to see if I will be covered at MD Anderson and if so, how much they will cover. I'm sure that even though my records will be sent to them, they will have to administer their own tests. We will have to drive to Houston and have no idea how long we will have to stay. But, we will do whatever we need to do in order for me to get the best doctors and best treatment.

Isaiah 41:10

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

I plead with each of you PLEASE pray that my cancer has NOT and will NOT spread outside of my bones. Pray that the treatments I am on now are working and will continue to work for a long time to come. Ask God to give me a miracle. He knows that I will shine His Light and that I will strive to continue to be His living testimony.

Love to all of you. Larry and I appreciate every financial donation, every card, call, text, iMessage, Facebook responses, and especially your continued prayers.

If you would like to help in the expenses of my cancer

 journey, my GOFUNDME is below: 

A donation of any amount will be a blessing. Between Larry and I, we have a lot of medical bills already that is above what our insurance covers. 

Also, some have asked for my address:

Patricia Wyrosdick

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004

Click Here to Donate to my GoFundMe


  1. I love you so much and will never give up on my prayers for you. Praying without ceasing with all of our ladies' class. I told them how much you appreciate their prayers.

    1. Thank you my sweet Carole. You are a blessing and treasure in my life. Thank you for letting your class Prayer Warriors know how much their prayers mean to me. Love you. 💞

  2. God is with you and so are my prayers. 🙏💯

  3. Praying for you Sweet Lady! Love You 😍❤

    1. Thank you for your prayers. It says “unknown” so I don’t know who you are. However, I love you too. 💞

  4. Thinking and praying for your miracle of complete healing. I pray that your liver and other organs in your body are 100% OK. I pray for the blessing of peace and understanding and relief of pain in your whole body. I pray for a financial miracle. I pray God will just touch and hold you. You may have never done this but I pray you will ask the Holy Spirit to comfort your body and stop the pain and give you sweet rest. The Holy Spirit is always with you as the Trinity, but like God, you need to give the Holy Spirit permission to work in your body and ask exactly what you want.
    I pray you will understand this and I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN 👍🌹💗
    I love you my friend. 🙏💯💗

    1. Thank you, Diane. Absolutely! I believe in the power and moving of the Holy Spirit. He even cries out on our behalf when we don’t have the words to express ourselves. I appreciate your faithfulness to continue in prayer for me. Love you sweet friend. 💞


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