Radiation Treatments for Pain Relief Began WednesdayApril 7, 2021

I will be adding this to my blog later, but thought I would go ahead and share this now. Today was my third day of radiation. The first day took a while to do the mappings and markings for where the radiation needs to hit. Currently, they are doing radiation treatments on my neck and across my lower spine. I have a compressed fracture from the cancer and it is causing excruciating pain. The technicians made a mold for my feet and legs to lay in while they radiate my spine. They bind my feet together so I can’t move.

The technicians took a large piece of hard plastic with holes in it....it is attached to a hard plastic frame with bolts through it. They heat it up in an oven and lay it across your face as they start to make a mold for your face. It turns extremely hard. Your mouth, chin, etc can not move at all. There is an opening made for your nose and eyes. After it has form-fitted your face, it is bolted all the way around to the table so during radiation treatments on my neck, I can’t move even a fraction. One of the technicians took some pics today so I could share my reality. 

Talk about claustrophobia for someone who is extremely claustrophobic and prone to panic attacks in this type situation.....it is a living nightmare!!

These radiation treatments are to kill the cancer cells where the beams hit. Since it is the cancer causing my pain, if the radiation treatments kill the cancer, it should help decrease my pain. I have cancer in many other areas, but these are the most painful. 

Please continue to lift me and my family in your prayers. This is a horrific journey. We plead for God’s intervention and a miracle. I desperately need your prayers, your encouragement, and support. 

I will talk more about next steps later. Blessings to you all. 

 If you would like to help in the expenses of my cancer journey, my GOFUNDME is below. 

Also, some have asked for my address:

Patricia Wyrosdick

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004

Click Here to Donate to my GoFundMe






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