Metastatic Breast is ever changing with a mind of its own!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1-3

As most of you know, I was recently diagnosed from Stage 3 Bilateral Breast Cancer to Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer and it had already moved into my bones when I found out. The cancer had also had caused a compressed fracture in my lower spine. When Ashleigh asked where all the cancer was in the bones....she was told....anywhere you can touch. I have been in excruciating pain from the bone cancer; however, the pain medication helps and so did the radiation treatments. The radiation helped by killing the cancer in the spots where I was hurting the most. 

I was recently put on a Shot Protocol for Breast Metastatic Cancer in the Bones. I have been taking two shots of Faslodex (Fulvestrant) which is for the cancer and one shot of Xgeva which is to strengthen the bones. When I went and had the biopsies on March 19th, had a Consultation with Dr.Bondly, and had bloodwork, on March 25th I received all results. least that is what I thought. 

On my April 22nd appointment for shots, Consultation, and bloodwork, Dr. Bondly mentioned that my last bloodwork showed elevated Liver Enzymes. She said if they were still elevated on the 22nd, she was going to schedule a CT Scan for me. The Liver Enzymes were elevated and Dr. Bondly immediately scheduled a CT Scan of my abdomen for yesterday, Monday, April 25th at 4:20PM. 

I was told on the phone yesterday that they would call me today and give me the results I thought, surely they are not going to give me devastating news over the telephone. Well.....I was wrong. At 9:00AM, I received a phone call from one of the nurses at the Bruno Cancer Center. She told me that they saw several issues/changes in my liver....then, she appointed the "C" word to it and verified that it is cancer. There is a tumor and several lesions. She said that Dr. Bondly wanted me at her office for bloodwork and a Consultation by 11:00. Then she went on to tell me to come prepared to change my Protocol. I would no longer be taking the shots, Faslodex, but I will continue to take the shot for my bone strengthening, Xgeva. Today, I would join the Chemo Bays for Infused Chemo once again. I am currently taking two Chemos....Taxol and Carboplatin.

I was told that once I started on a new Chemo, MD Anderson, UAB, not Vanderbilt would take me. The Chemo would first have to fail. It became obvious very quickly that the shots she had just put me on were not working. I have also been on Femara for over 2 years to suppress my hormone/estrogen levels. Now, we find out they were not working so I will not be taking Femara any longer. It is heartbreaking that one must progess to such a dangerous state before realizing the medications they are on and trusting in really aren't working. 

These Chemos have a lot of negative side-effects and my immune system will be whipped again. 

Please, I beg of you all to please continue to plead with God for my healing. I am still living, I still have hope, and I still have faith.

Breast Cancer  -  Bone Cancer  -  Liver Cancer

YES.....These are all in my body! Please PLEASE PLEAS WITH GOD to stop this cancer and put me into remission. Pray that the Chemo and Shots that I am on will work! PLEASE!

Please continue to lift me and my family in your prayers. This is a horrific journey. We plead for God’s intervention and a miracle. I desperately need your prayers, your encouragement, and support. 

 Blessings to you all. 

If you would like to help in the expenses of my cancer journey, my GOFUNDME is below. 

Also, some have asked for my address:

Patricia Wyrosdick

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004

Click Here to Donate to my GoFundMe






  1. My dear sister friend, thank you for having the faith to share your journey. You touch so many by your faith in God, knowing God never leaves us even under the most painful situations. Continued prayers for you & your family aa you go through this faith journey together.

    1. Thank you so much. Your prayers are needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you for your encouraging words. πŸ’ž

  2. Praying even more for you, sweet Patricia! I am asking God to bring complete healing to your physical body while you are here on this earth and I am also asking that he bind up all the fear and loose power, love and a sound mind! Satan will not win and must flee in Jesus' Name!!!

    1. Amen! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. They are greatly appreciated. πŸ’ž

  3. I am so sorry for this horrible diagnosis. My prayers continue for the new chemo to work. i hate that with all you have endoured, you will need strong chemo again. I love you so and pray always.


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