
Showing posts from June, 2016

Variety of Short Thoughts.....

We are not going to accomplish anything positive in a contentious situation. We have to learn to walk away. If we associate with good people, their qualities will have a positive affect on us; therefore, we must be selective about who we spend our time with. We weren’t created to endure life....we were created to enjoy it! Sometimes we forget just how big God is.....just how very present He is in our lives. He, through His Word and the Holy Spirit, have called each of us to Him. We must be as Samuel and respond, "Here I am." "Then the Lord called Samuel, and he said, "Here I am!" 1 Samuel 3:4 YOU are His magnificent! Don't ever allow anyone to make you feel or think differently. YOU are His chosen. YOU are the one He gave His Son for. YOU are His joy and for YOU, He created all. Never doubt YOUR value as YOUR value is higher than any amount money could buy. Jesus purchased YOUR salvation with His own precious blood. YOU have been wonderfully made

We Bleed Red............

Through our Savior, Jesus the Christ, we are made whole. We are all made one in Him. When our Holy Father and Creator God designed us, He fashioned us all in His image (Genesis 1:27). We all came from one man and one woman who together were able to bring-forth every blood-type and every skin color. Our blood is not specific to race. There are 8 blood groups that are either negative or positive. 0+, 0-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, and ALL of God's created humans have one of thes e blood types.  If we would just re-focus our attention away from the color of one's skin and from predetermining their weaknesses or negatives as a group....what a better world this would be. We all bleed red! We were all created in His image! If we are believers and Jesus followers, then we can NOT be prejudice people as the two are polar opposites. In times of crisis, we need to unite rather than building barriers that only serve to bring more division among us. We should not blanket all people into a


We are to love with a never ending love.....even when others are not very lovable. Just as we read in 1 John 4:19, "We love because He first loved us." As true as that statement is and our desire should be, because of this fallen world and who it belongs, there will always be anger acted out in violence, racism, sexism, and a general disdain for others who aren't "like me." Many want to "cookie cutter" all people into being what they perceive as "above the rest" and with that  mindset, peace will never fully come until He returns.....and that is as it is supposed to be.  Peace, joy, and love is what we long for, but that is to come in the gift of eternal life, not here in our earthly shell. What happened in Orlando is devastating and deeply heartbreaking. My prayers continue for all the families and the community as they try to heal.  Satan waged war and used the shooter as his pawn. As painful and tragic as this is, we can take comfort i


We all need someone to encourage us....someone who can speak faith into our situation and lift our head up....someone who can remind us of the promises of God and say, "You can do it!" We need someone who can gently push us when we would rather stay in a protective shell....someone who loves us enough to straighten out our thinking when we aren't seeing things right and we should do the same for them. That is what friends are for!  :)

He Is Listening.......

How amazing it is to know that our Creator listens to our request. WOW! "Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven." ~ Daniel 10:12 † My Dear Heavenly Father, forgive us when we focus more on our own limitations rather than Your power. There is nothing too great for You. Help us to turn our thoughts away from what we can't do, to what You have placed in front of us. We trust You to do  the rest. In Jesus' Holy and Mighty Name, Amen. "Christ gives me the strength to face anything." ~ Philippians 4:13


Wake up America! What happened in Orlando last night is just a small taste of what is to come. We have been warned and fore-warned time and time again, but seems our government doesn't take any of the threats serious enough until we are covered in blood-shed. How can we turn this around? We are dealing with people who are more than willing to lay down their lives in order to take the lives of others because they actually believe that God will reward them in the afterlife beca use in their minds....they are dying as martyrs.  The digression of our country on every moral ground and the state of this world as a whole is ushering in the return of Jesus. We don't know the day nor the hour; however, we know this world has changed massively in the last 40 years. Because His return is eminent, it is imperative that we live for eternity...not just for today.  Pray for a blanket covering to protect our beautiful America and her people. Pray for those who wish to harm us as I pray God


Sadness overwhelms our country as people with cold hearts calculate and carry out the deaths of so many. Praying today for the souls who were shot in the Orlando Bar shooting as the number of deaths and injured continue to rise. Praying for all the families who are today in shock and in disbelief over such a tragedy. This is the largest shooting with casualties in the U.S. during a non-wartime environment. Also praying for the family of the senseless death of the beautiful, y oung, and talented Christina Grimmie who was 3rd runner up from the Voice.  During tragedies such as this, we must remember that God does not bring about or cause evil. As we know, this is satan's world and he will continue to wreck havoc until Jesus returns. We cannot make sense of such loss because there is no sense to it. It is in times, such as this, that we are brought boldly to the realization that our world if filled with hurting, suffering, broken, lost people. Those who committed these horrible crim

The Mess............

If you wonder whether God can do something with the mess of your life, the answer is YES! He can turn your worst days into dreams come true. Have faith and trust that He is literally working everything out for your good. He is mighty, powerful, loving, compassionate, merciful, full of grace and able to do above all that we can imagine. You must believe with expectancy of receiving. God will never let you down! Amen!  ✝

MY CALLING.........

My calling is one of positivity, encouragement, and edification. I strive to build up one’s soul, to offer hope, and point to His Light in all circumstances. I will go down to the pit with you, but only to reach out my hand to lift you out from where life has landed you. I will lift you before our Holy Creator and Father God and plead with Him to bring you out of whatever struggle, pain, or sorrow you are going through. I will praise Him with you when blessings shower over yo u. We all have times of heartbreak, disappointments, and struggles of all dimensions; however, that is not my focus because we have a God Who is bigger and mightier than all that satan throws in our path. Each of you who have asked me for prayers on Facebook…..I lift you before Him in the Name of Jesus every day. I pray with expectancy that just as He tells us in Romans 8:28…..”And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for th