
We are to love with a never ending love.....even when others are not very lovable. Just as we read in 1 John 4:19, "We love because He first loved us." As true as that statement is and our desire should be, because of this fallen world and who it belongs, there will always be anger acted out in violence, racism, sexism, and a general disdain for others who aren't "like me." Many want to "cookie cutter" all people into being what they perceive as "above the rest" and with that mindset, peace will never fully come until He returns.....and that is as it is supposed to be. 

Peace, joy, and love is what we long for, but that is to come in the gift of eternal life, not here in our earthly shell. What happened in Orlando is devastating and deeply heartbreaking. My prayers continue for all the families and the community as they try to heal. 

Satan waged war and used the shooter as his pawn. As painful and tragic as this is, we can take comfort in knowing that Our Creator and Holy Father WILL overcome all! Amen! †


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