Variety of Short Thoughts.....

We are not going to accomplish anything positive in a contentious situation. We have to learn to walk away. If we associate with good people, their qualities will have a positive affect on us; therefore, we must be selective about who we spend our time with. We weren’t created to endure life....we were created to enjoy it!

Sometimes we forget just how big God is.....just how very present He is in our lives. He, through His Word and the Holy Spirit, have called each of us to Him. We must be as Samuel and respond, "Here I am."
"Then the Lord called Samuel, and he said, "Here I am!"
1 Samuel 3:4

YOU are His magnificent! Don't ever allow anyone to make you feel or think differently. YOU are His chosen. YOU are the one He gave His Son for. YOU are His joy and for YOU, He created all. Never doubt YOUR value as YOUR value is higher than any amount money could buy. Jesus purchased YOUR salvation with His own precious blood. YOU have been wonderfully made for His purpose. YOU are a child of our Holy Creator. If anyone ever makes YOU feel less than all it means to be His....walk away knowing Who YOUR Father, YOUR Papa, is and keep YOUR eyes looking upward.

“The city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.” Revelation 21:23
How magnificent!

What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? Live a life of thanksgiving....

Only the Spirit knows and reveals the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of God's heart. If we want a deep, intimate relationship with God, we have to know Him by His Spirit. †


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