We Bleed Red............

Through our Savior, Jesus the Christ, we are made whole. We are all made one in Him. When our Holy Father and Creator God designed us, He fashioned us all in His image (Genesis 1:27). We all came from one man and one woman who together were able to bring-forth every blood-type and every skin color. Our blood is not specific to race. There are 8 blood groups that are either negative or positive. 0+, 0-, A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, and ALL of God's created humans have one of these blood types. 

If we would just re-focus our attention away from the color of one's skin and from predetermining their weaknesses or negatives as a group....what a better world this would be. We all bleed red! We were all created in His image! If we are believers and Jesus followers, then we can NOT be prejudice people as the two are polar opposites. In times of crisis, we need to unite rather than building barriers that only serve to bring more division among us. We should not blanket all people into a pigeon hole that only a few actually will fit into. God is Joy! God is Mercy! God is Grace! God is Forgiveness! God is Hope! God is Peace! God is Love! If we truly desire to live in His image, we must also live-out these attributes in our lives toward ALL people! 

Red, Yellow, Black, and White.....we are ALL precious in His sight! † Amen!


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