Devotional: Serve the "least of these".....and "love one another."

Often, especially in a sizable city, we are approached by homeless people or we come to an intersection off the interstate and there will be a person with a sign over-viewing their situation and will be in need of money. My preference is to give them food, or a food gift-card rather than cash; however, that is not always an option. So then, a decision has to be made.

Do I not give because I am concerned if they will use the money in a manner I consider appropriate or will I give because it is an act of kindness and let Jesus sort out the rest? Several in Birmingham even have homeless dogs with them. It is so easy to look and judge….well, if they are really hungry and need money for shelter….why have a dog to feed and take care of? That dog might be their only friend and companion on this earth. That dog might be what makes them feel love and helps keep them sane in the middle of their chaos.

We don’t know why they are where they are in life, but I bet there is a back story and I would imagine that living the life of a wanderer, a beggar, was not where they saw their life heading in the beginning. We can’t judge them or their past, we simply have to meet them where they are in their current state.

If I see one hurting and I offer assistance, am I welcoming Jesus? Yes. Have you read the judgment scene as described by Jesus? Read Matthew 25:31-46 as He paints a very clear picture. It’s all about how we treated each other…..ALL about how we treated each other.

If we give to “the least of these”….God sees our good deeds. If we serve others, give to others…out of love…it will be credited to us. Therefore, why would we ever hesitate…..even if they did it to scam us. When giving, the burden of right or wrong does not ride on our shoulders.

Have you heard of casting bread on the water? You throw bread on the water and it looks like a waste of perfectly good bread, but you know how fishermen use it? They go every day to the same spot and throw bread on the water. Then, one day they go out and don’t throw out bread, but throw out a net and they get all the fish. At first glimpse, it might appear to be wasteful, but it isn’t wasteful. Do good! We are to be fisher's of men and strive, through our actions, to shine His Light. Thereby, in whatever means them Jesus. We don’t concern ourselves with one’s position in life, we serve. We should start with the weakest among us and go from there.

1 Peter 4:8: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

John 15:12,17: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." This is my command: “Love each other.”

1 Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."


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