
It’s never too late to turn to God….and the reason is because He still loves us, no matter who we are or what we’ve done. And because He still loves us, He wants to welcome us home….and He will, if we’ll only repent of our sins and turn to Him for the forgiveness and new life we need. The Bible says, “He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). God stands ready to receive us, even at the last moment; however, if we delay, our hearts can grow harder and more resistant toward God, until we no longer hear His voice calling us.

The Bible warns, “A man (or woman) who remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed — without remedy” (Proverbs 29:1). It is we who might turn from God. In Galatians 5:4, we read, “For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been cut off from Christ! You have fallen away from God's grace.” It is not God who removes His grace from us, but we do it if and when we choose the law – keeping the letter of the law – rather than trusting in His saving grace. It is then that we cause ourselves to “fall away” from grace.

Hebrews 12:1 tells us, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” We must lay our sinful lives down. It is not to say that we will never sin because we will; however, if a believer willfully chooses to live a life of sin, He is no longer one with our Holy Creator.

Even Jesus on the cross was forsaken by His Father for a period while He hung on the cross carrying the load and burden of sin for the world. God cannot be present with sin. If one is a willful sinner, even a believer, he must make things right with God. Yes, the blood of Jesus does cover believers who are walking in the light….who are striving to do right….who sin, but are not “living in sin or a constant state of willful sin.” The saving blood of Jesus is a gift, but it is a gift that can either be received or denied. It can be received and then later rejected.

God will not leave us. Jesus will not forsake us. The Holy Spirit will dwell within us. BUT, we must strive to live in His will, walk in the way of Jesus, deny our fleshly lust, wants, and desires and live for Him. When we sin, repent….turn away…admit our wrong and move on. Because we are saved….if we have accepted Jesus and been immersed into Him, then the blood does continue to cover our sins….when we are not aware we have sinned even, they will be covered; however, NOT if we are making a choice to live IN SIN. That is very different from striving not to sin.


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