Some of my Saturday night ramblings.......

“Church”….what is it? The word is used to describe an institutionalized setting, a building where religious groups meet, etc. However, we, the church, are a special people, His people…disciples, followers of the Christ. He is the firm foundation upon which all of our faith, hope, and trust relies. His Truth does not shift with the moving of time. There is so much being taught today….and has always been….that just cannot be found in the Bible. In Act 17:11 we are told that the Berean Jews were more noble. Why? Because they studied the Scriptures to see if what Paul was teaching was actually Truth. If the great apostle Paul was being double-checked….how much more are we to check those teaching from pulpits and classrooms today? 

Often, the more noted the speaker, the greater the following…..comes assumptions that they are speaking Truth. Sometimes we just allow small infractions to slide… what if 95 percent of the lesson was Truth, but the last 5 percent wasn’t? Is it ok to continue sitting at their feet with mouths closed allowing false statements to continue uncontested? We must balance what we say and what we hear with the Scriptures. It is never ok to compromise Truth…..easy to do? Yes. But ok? No. 

We are His church every day….not on Sundays only. The building is just that. A place to gather to uplift, encourage, teach, share, commune, but it is a small part of our walk. It is the heart of a believer that persuades us to serve our community, teach the lost, care for the poor, feed the hungry. If our hearts belong to Him, we will be the church outside the walls.


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