He carries us in His arms! WOW

"Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day He carries us in His arms. Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign LORD rescues us from death." Psalm 68:19-20

WOW! Such powerful words...such precious blessings of promise! This text was in my Bible reading today and I just had to pause and drink in the full meaning.These words struck me in the core of my being and have been permeating in my soul and filling my spirit. He is our safety net Who rescues us from death.

He transports us even when we don't see or feel His movement, He is working within us. That is amazing! He is our salvation, our protector, and His love is an everlasting love. WOW! Have I read this before, absolutely.....many times. However, today, in the middle of my reading, I allowed the words and their deepest meanings to spread through me and I welcomed their presence in a new way. Do we say it enough? Is it possible to say it enough? No! We can never praise Him enough or thank Him enough, but He just wants us to love Him as best we can and we show our praise by how we live-out our lives in Him and how we exemplify that life to others. That is true praise....praise He deserves. Amen! †


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