Sandpaper People....You know them! 
Those people that tend to "rub you the wrong way"....Yeah, the "sandpaper" people......

The sandpaper people in your life - YES, we all have them - are likely to be confronted on a regular basis. But because that confrontation usually comes from an an angry spirit and an unclean heart, it can easily become just another notch in that sandpaper person's belt, giving them one more reason to be who they are - difficult. Most sandpaper people are manipulators and controllers; they intimidate their way into other people's lives, because it is the only way they know to get in. 

When gentleness and love deliver correction, it is much more likely to be received and acted upon. We can be caring and confronting at the same time.

We have sandpaper people in every walk of life; however, it is most sad when they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are to work together in unity to fight the evil powers of darkness....not rub, whittle, grind, and sandpaper down those who are walking with the Lord and sharing their hearts with others for His glory. 

Father, please forgive us when we confront someone in anger or with a bitter heart. We know and should desire our relationships to reflect Your love. Teach us how to control the words we say and the attitude with which we say them. Forgive us for the pride that fuels a spirit of revenge when we should be seeking healing and restoration. Be glorified in all of our relationships, Lord. In Jesus' Precious  Name, Amen.

“Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” ~ Ephesians 4:2


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