
Showing posts from November, 2018

Words....Speak With Love.

We learn from the Scriptures how important and meaningful our words are. They hold the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:31) Using the right words....words rightly spoken is beautiful like gold apples in a silver basket. (Proverbs 25:11) Colossians 4:6 instructs us to make our words full of grace and seasoned with salt....make them flavorful and delightful to the one who is hearing.  God has given us so many biblical instructions on how the gift of words should be used, but too often those instructions are ignored or proper study and thought are not given to their more deep meanings. Our tongue....our words....can cause one's spirit to be crushed or we can let our words push them to soar far above their expectations.  Words....what a beautiful and fragrant bouquet when formed together just right. Speak words in love and if we think our words might not be taken as we wish by the one receiving....stop, rethink, change your words and then present them as a beautiful offering

CANCER: Cancer and all Diseases.....Speak Life!

The horrible experiences I am going through with cancer has zero to do with my faith. My faith is strong and will NOT be shaken. God is leading, but also He can intervene in my journey or He can choose not to. That is why I believe the power of prayer is so strong. Believers pleading on the behalf of others can influence God. We know that from the Scriptures. God did not give me cancer. Cancer and all diseases are of satan. However, God can use what has happened to me for His glory IF I allow that to happen  in my life.  Often, people have a very skewed perspective of God, His will and His intervention in our lives. God never wants to see His children suffer; however, He does allow it. Sometimes, He heals in a miraculous way or by using man's medical inventions....but, then there are times He allows them to pass into eternity. We can't explain or really understand why He does what He does or does not do. We are free-will creations and sometimes, we are simply a product of ou

CANCER: Cancer is harsh and ugly, but God has spoken LIFE!

We have all had plans set, things we desire to do, places we have planned to visit....on and on, we have our plans. But, I am reminded by the fact that even at the first Christmas everyone certainly had plans set that were messed up by God because He had a bigger and better plan. When life doesn't work out the way we plan, the way we intended, God wants us to trust Him and the bigger plan He has already set in place for our lives.  Cancer seldom gives us warning. It rudely intrudes into our lives. When they said, "It is cancer," I went into a shock phase. It was like being awake in the middle of a nightmare, but yet there was also a strange calm. In this moment, I knew the only thing I could count on for sure to provide true lasting hope in my situation and alleviate my worse fears was knowing that Jesus loves me and wants the very best for me. Somehow...some way...I knew He would turn it all into good. I love this Scripture, this promise, and hold it close to my heart,

Cancer: Chemo Round #4 - Miss Gwen Update

Arrived at the Bruno Cancer Center right on time....9:00 am. They were running behind this morning. Lots of patients getting in to get their treatments before Thanksgiving. Although, that is true....they are always full and busy. I eventually got called back to weigh, take my temp, and blood pressure. I got my port hooked up, flushed out, and had blood taken. Once again...PRAISE GOD....all of my blood work was great and chemo is a go. YAY! Now, I go back to the central waiting room. I was expecting to have a brief meeting and check-up with my Oncologist, but she was out this week as she was ending up her vacation. I was disappointed because I wanted to know if my larger tumor showed signs of shrinking since my last treatment. I do, however, believe that it might have shrunk a little as it seems more flat and has some scaling. I have some issues that I wanted to go over with her. One is that I know have red splotches, blister/sores and such that has broke-out all over, but especially my

CANCER: Chemo Round 4 Tomorrow & Some Special Thank Yous

Tomorrow morning at 9:00 will be my 4th chemo treatment at the Bruno Cancer Center in Birmingham. I have a couple of chemo side-effects that I am going to address with my Oncologist; however, I feel that my blood count is good and that nothing will keep me from having my treatment as scheduled. Tomorrow will mark the end of my Ellence and Cytoxan treatments. In December, I will start with the chemo drug Taxotere. I want to thank everyone again for phone calls, texts, Facebook  Messages, cards, a hand-crocheted hat ( Ora ), gift cards to two of my favorite places - Chick fil A and Cracker Barrel ( Beth ), and most of all for your continued prayers. My sister-in-law,  Peggy , blesses me every few days with a card that has a hand-written uplifting message, a Scripture, and she includes a joke to make me laugh. My prayer warrior and super soul sister-friend,  Belinda , is always a click matter the time of day or night. My childhood friend,  Marsha  and two of her granddaughters

CANCER: Blessings and Realities in My Cancer Journey - Chemo Round 3 is History!

My third chemo treatment is in the books! Everything went very smooth. My appointment was set for thirty minutes earlier this week. When Ashleigh and I arrived we noticed the waiting room was not nearly as full as usual. I was able to get my blood-work, weigh, blood pressure checked, and get my port hooked up, flushed, and ready for chemo very quickly. I had a great visit with Dr. Bondly, my Oncologist. She said that I am doing fantastic! She also said that my blood work was perfect and that the large tumor in my right breast continues to shrink. Praise God!  All of the nurses are awesome, but my nurse this treatment gave special care when injecting the nausea medicine that is a steroid into my port. She said that if she pushed slow with intervals, it would not cause the extreme discomfort that is usually associated with this medication. She was right! I received both of my chemo medications without any issues.  I told my nurse that Dr. Bondly had written my nausea medicine for 30