Words....Speak With Love.

We learn from the Scriptures how important and meaningful our words are. They hold the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:31) Using the right words....words rightly spoken is beautiful like gold apples in a silver basket. (Proverbs 25:11) Colossians 4:6 instructs us to make our words full of grace and seasoned with salt....make them flavorful and delightful to the one who is hearing. 

God has given us so many biblical instructions on how the gift of words should be used, but too often those instructions are ignored or proper study and thought are not given to their more deep meanings. Our tongue....our words....can cause one's spirit to be crushed or we can let our words push them to soar far above their expectations. 

Words....what a beautiful and fragrant bouquet when formed together just right. Speak words in love and if we think our words might not be taken as we wish by the one receiving....stop, rethink, change your words and then present them as a beautiful offering. Love one another! Amen! 


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