CANCER: Cancer and all Diseases.....Speak Life!

The horrible experiences I am going through with cancer has zero to do with my faith. My faith is strong and will NOT be shaken. God is leading, but also He can intervene in my journey or He can choose not to. That is why I believe the power of prayer is so strong. Believers pleading on the behalf of others can influence God. We know that from the Scriptures. God did not give me cancer. Cancer and all diseases are of satan. However, God can use what has happened to me for His glory IF I allow that to happen in my life. 

Often, people have a very skewed perspective of God, His will and His intervention in our lives. God never wants to see His children suffer; however, He does allow it. Sometimes, He heals in a miraculous way or by using man's medical inventions....but, then there are times He allows them to pass into eternity. We can't explain or really understand why He does what He does or does not do. We are free-will creations and sometimes, we are simply a product of our Earthly environment. 

I am a fervent believer in the power of prayer. Prayer works and with faith, it can move mountains. It can, through our Savior, heal all that satan meant to destroy and kill. God IS a God of miracles and He has never put His abilities on a shelf and said..."I am done." From day one of my diagnosis, September 10th, was God prompting me through His Most Holy Spirit to seek medical help and to do it immediately. It has been through His leading that I have moved through this journey - step by step - from one medical provider to another getting all of the best care from believers who have prayed for me...and even shed tears....while giving me my diagnosis and next steps. 

From my first mammogram, sonogram, multiple biopsies, consultations, Surgeon, Pet Scan, Eco-cardiogram, and first chemo treatment started less than one month from the start of this journey. The cancer was already in my lymph nodes and God wanted to start the eradication of my cancer before it had time to journey out into my body. Praise God! Praise God! Even though I am suffering some tough days, I am secure that He is with me, leading me, and healing me to complete earthly wellness.

Dear Precious and Magnificent Father, it is Your will that we live free from all diseases. Your thoughts towards Your children are of peace and not evil, to give us a future and a hope. You sent Your Word to heal and deliver us from destruction. Your Word says that Jesus carried our sicknesses and pains. He was pierced for our rebellion and crushed for our sins. He was beaten so that we could be whole and whipped so that we could be healed. I completely accept what He has done for us and I decree that by His stripes, I am healed. Using the authority given to us by Jesus the Christ, I command my tumors and the primary abnormally deformed cells of breast cancer to die and that zero metastasizing cells will slip through past my lymph nodes where it now is. I command, with Your authority, for the increase in production of healthy cells and that they destroy renegade cells. I decree that no form of breast cancer have a legal right in the body of God's children. I speak life and hope over all of us who have not only been diagnosed with breast cancer, but all cancers and that we destroy the assignments of death, despair, destruction, and fear. It in in the Mighty and Holy Name of Your Son Jesus that I humbly make this plea before Your Throne. Amen and Amen! †

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. Amen and Amen again. Praying throughout. . . night and day. I see you bringing so much glory to God by your faith. We will keep on keeping on. God is good. There is no doubt about that.

    1. Thank you sweet Carole. Your prayers are treasured gifts.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you sweet friend. Thank you for praying for me. They are working.

  3. I do believe that you will be cured The reason I believe this is because the way the Lord moved you to seek medical attention right away When the Lord intervenes it’s so miraculous and divine that most people don’t understand it or believe it This what you are going through will be your testimony This will also increase your faith and others too I love you and I haven’t forgot how sweet you have been to my mom Also how sweet you were to my husband and me when we got married I love you and do believe the Lord has his hands on you.

    1. Thank you, my beautiful and sweet Charnaye. You and yours are like family to me. Thank you for walking this journey with me and for believing in my healing through Jesus.

  4. You are such an inspiration and fine example to us all about how to handle serious illness...I don't know if I would be as brave as you if I had to go through cancer and chemo...Hoepfully will never experience it in my lifetime...You seem to never waver in your in your relationship with our Father in heaven...You encourage and inspire me with your posts...

    1. Thank you so much, Annie, for your sweet words. God has walked with me all of my life and I know that He is not about to leave His girl now. I feel His love, I feel His healing. Prayers are my treasured gifts and I pray you lift me in yours. Blessings.


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