
Showing posts from January, 2019


THIS IS FOR MY READERS WHO ARE NOT ON FACEBOOK TO CATCH YOU UP SINCE MY LAST BLOG POST: I stand firm on His promises and I know that this cancer journey will bring me a new testimony to reach people that I never would or could have before. Sometimes we have to walk through fire to be forged more closely into His Image. With faith at our forefront, trials will make us stronger and draw us ever closer to our Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit. Today, I have a 3:00 appointment with Dr. Jason Fain at the Pulmonary Group at St. Vincent's. I am not sure what to expe ct as my oxygen levels are still artificially elevated from the steroids I was given. Whatever I face, I know that I will get through it. All of your prayers strengthen me and encourage me more than you can imagine. As you lift my name, I can feel God's calming presence wash over me. Please lift me in your prayers today and I will update after I get back home. Love you all.  💕 “We who have run for our very lives t


This week has seemed like a whirlwind with fiery darts slinging out of control in every direction. First with my brother passing out, having to go to the hospital and being given a battery of tests to try to get to the bottom of some of his health issues. Therefore, I have delayed writing my update because I have been covering him in prayer and my mind has been on him. Wednesday was another one of those days at the Bruno Cancer Center where nothing really seemed to go according to plan. At my last treatment, prior to my treatment this week, all of my numbers were off....including my oxygen. I told my lab nurse that I had been completely depleted of energy since my last treatment....for the full two weeks and was struggling to breathe. Well, after meeting with my Oncologist, she scheduled me to go to get a CT Scan before they would even do my chemo treatment. She wanted to be sure that I did not have any blood clots. That CT Scan came back clear; therefore, I was able to go forward with

CANCER: Low Numbers, But High Expectations......God Always Shines Through! Amen!

Ashleigh and I arrived at the Bruno Cancer Center this morning at 9:15....15 minutes earlier than my scheduled appointment at 9:30. It was a crowded waiting room already when we arrived. After a longer than usual wait, I was called back for vitals, weigh-in, blood work and to get my port flushed and ready for my chemo treatment. My nurse always wants to know if I have any "new" aches/pains/complaints. I have had a rough couple of weeks and so I had some to share with her. She records them on my record so that when I have my consultation, Dr. Bondly will already know what is going on. First, I had lost 7 pounds since my last treatment 2 weeks ago. They really don't want you losing a lot of weight too quickly, but I have had so much diarrhea and virtually zero appetite.....all of course side-effects of my chemo, Taxotere.  My blood pressure was pretty normal today and that was a good thing. Lowest it has been since I had to start taking medication for it after the onset

CANCER: Cancer and Generous Blessings!

I have known this young lady all of my life, but it has amazed me how she has come alongside me in my cancer journey to pray for me, encourage me, and today....even blessed me with two packages in the mail. She sent me THREE (3) Spa Hand and Body lotions from doTerra.....along with a 15ml bottle of Frankincense Essential Oil and a 15ml bottle of Lavender Essential Oil. I could not believe my eyes when I opened the packages. Such generous and thoughtful gifts.  She has been con cerned about the condition of the burning and drying of my hands and feet because of side-effects from the chemo drug Taxotere. She had told me that she was sending me something that she hoped/believed would help. I was excited and anticipated the arrival, but had no idea how generous her gifts would be. I have been wanting some Frankincense, but honestly.....since I had to give up my job as a Nanny because of my cancer....I didn't feel I could "splurge" on myself like that. With tears trickling d