I stand firm on His promises and I know that this cancer journey will bring me a new testimony to reach people that I never would or could have before. Sometimes we have to walk through fire to be forged more closely into His Image. With faith at our forefront, trials will make us stronger and draw us ever closer to our Father, His Son, and His Holy Spirit. Today, I have a 3:00 appointment with Dr. Jason Fain at the Pulmonary Group at St. Vincent's. I am not sure what to expect as my oxygen levels are still artificially elevated from the steroids I was given. Whatever I face, I know that I will get through it. All of your prayers strengthen me and encourage me more than you can imagine. As you lift my name, I can feel God's calming presence wash over me. Please lift me in your prayers today and I will update after I get back home. Love you all. ðŸ’•
“We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God where Jesus, running on ahead of us, has taken up his permanent post as high priest for us.” Hebrews 6:18-19

I was scheduled to have an Arterial Blood Gas test this morning; however, that has changed. Each time before taking chemo I have nausea medicine put in my port that contains steroids. Also, for two days following my treatment I take two pills for two days that also contain steroids. I have been monitoring my oxygen levels since Thursday and they are still elevated....they show normal. In reality, my doctor is sure they aren't normal; however, the steroids are giving me a temporary lift. Therefore, my appointment was canceled for today. Rather than going for the test before going to the Pulmonary Group, I will go to see them first on Wednesday afternoon. My appointment had to be changed for the Pulmonary Group....I was supposed to see them Tuesday after my test, but because of the expected snow....they will not be open. This change also made me have to change my upcoming appointment with my breast surgeon. I was scheduled to see her Wednesday afternoon, but now that has been pushed to the morning of February 4th. Since I am through with chemo, it is imperative that we move quickly as we don't want to give any residual cancer a chance to move/grow. However, they will not put me under anesthesia until I am cleared by the Pulmonary Specialist.
Please continue to lift me in your prayers. This lung situation is an unexpected complication, but am praying that it can be taken care of quickly and that it is nothing serious or permanent.

I spent around two hours being tested and evaluated this afternoon at the Pulmonary Group in downtown Birmingham. One of the tests I had is a Spirometry test. You sit in a device that almost resembles a stand up tanning bed; however, it has a molded in seat for you to sit on and a molded platform for you to place your feet. It is a test used to assess how well your lungs work by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale and how quickly you exhale. Spirometry is used to diagnose asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other issues that affect breathing. At first you breathe into the apparatus as you normally would and then suddenly you are told to take the deepest breath that you can and you must try to exhale it for at least 5 seconds.....well, they also don't start the count for about 5 seconds so you are actually trying to exhale air from your lungs for up to 10 seconds. Sound easy? No way! Longest
10 seconds ever.

I also had several oxygen level tests, other breathing tests, blood pressure checked, temperature check. My Pulmonary Specialist, Dr. Jason Fain, checked my heart under stress and in calm mode. He went back and looked at all of my records that had been sent over from my Oncologist, Dr. Bondly, which included back to October when I started chemo, my PET Scan, my ECHO, my blood level changes, my oxygen level changes, and my recent CT Scan that was done 3 weeks ago to see if I had blood clots in my chest or lungs. 

We talked in detail about my journey with all three chemos that I have been on and when my issues started with low oxygen. That also coincided with when all of my blood counts decreased....and it happened after my first Taxotere chemo treatment. For all of you who are following my journey, you also remember how I got Palmar Plantar Erthrodysesthesia, Hand-Foot Syndrome, that completely fried my hands and feet and messed-up the nerves in both. 

They wanted to do another test on me to see if my oxygen levels would drop with activity. They got my resting levels and asked for my stress to breathe level between 0 to 10 before the test. I was at zero. I had no struggle to breathe at all. They wanted me to walk as many laps as I could, in an area they designated, for six minutes. They were measuring to see how many laps I could do, where my oxygen levels were while walking, and my stress level to breathe at the end of the test. I don't know how many laps I walked, but I walked a lot! She said that some people couldn't even walk one lap. The nurse continued to make notes of my laps and oxygen levels as I walked and my levels stayed great until I had walked several laps and one time it dropped to and oxygen level of 86. They do not want you to drop below an 88 because it can put too much stress on your heart and cause other complications. As soon as my oxygen levels dropped to 86, she hooked me up to oxygen. She had the tank with her and so she hooked me up as I continued to walk.  My levels immediately went back up with the oxygen.

Once my oxygen levels went back up, she took me off the oxygen and my levels stayed in a good range. Dr. Fain said that although the Radiologist read my CT Scan from 3 weeks ago as being clear....they weren't completely clear. The Radiologist was looking for blood clots and my lungs were clear of blood clots; however, Dr. Fain saw a haziness over my lungs. He said that I have been suffering from Pneumonitus. He went on to say that before chemo when they put a steroid (Dexamethasone) in my port for nausea and then followed-up with two days of two pills per day of Dexamethasone following chemo, it was disguising my Pneumonitus symptoms. And, as soon as the steroid would clear out of my body...a week to 10 days later, the trouble breathing, cough, and lower oxygen levels would return.

The great news is that he believes I am on the healing side of this. Once again, Pneumonitus is a side-effect of Taxotere. Also, now....several of my fingernails have started to lift up from the skin and most likely will fall off.....Yes, another side-effect of the chemo Taxotere.

Having said what I have, he did order me to be put on oxygen while I am asleep until all of this clears up. When you are asleep all of your body functions slow down; therefore, if my oxygen levels are dropping in my sleep it could cause serious heart conditions....even sudden death because it causes the heart muscle to work over-time. Also, if I have high activity that might cause my oxygen levels to drop, he said to use the oxygen as needed. Also, he wants to make sure that the Taxotere has not caused any damage to my heart. That could be another reason, in addition to the Pneumonitus, that I could have oxygen level issues. I had an ECHO prior to starting chemo and it was good, but he wants to make sure that the chemo has not caused any damage.

He told me that he of now....that my issues are Taxotere chemo related and that he does not foresee any other issues. He did set me up to come back to see him on February 26th to have a couple more tests; however, Dr. Fain believes that I will be well or near well by that time. One great thing for sure....there is NOTHING seriously wrong with my lungs!!!!! Praise God! Praise God! Now, I pray that there will be no damage to my heart from Taxotere, but I honestly do not believe they will find anything. I haven't had chest pain or anything that would lead me to think that my heart has been damaged.

I was so concerned about having to have an ABG Arterial Blood Gas Test and it wasn't even necessary as they were able to get everything they needed from other tests. PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD!

So this is my current line-up:
Getting Oxygen Tomorrow
ECHO Apt - At St Vincent's Main - In next few days
Breast Surgeon Apt - Dr. Thomas - Monday, February 4th
PET Scan - February 11th
Pulmonary Group - Dr. Fain - February 26th

I'm not sure at this point when my double mastectomy will be scheduled, but I am sure it will be by the end of this month or first part of March.

PRAISE GOD.....NO MORE CHEMO TREATMENTS SCHEDULED. I started this chemo journey on October 10th after being diagnosed with Bilateral Breast Cancer on September 10th and I took my last treatment on last Wednesday, January 23, 2019! What a journey it has been! Although Taxotere has done some horrible things to me, my Oncologist kept telling me that it was the best treatment to heal me. Sometimes you have to walk through fire, but to get to the other side and be cancer FREE is worth it.

I have met so many awesome people in the Bruno Cancer Center. They have touched my life in special ways and I hope I have been able to touch many as well. I have been so blessed to have Jesus step of the way.....every doctor. That is amazing! Even my doctor and I today talked about our faith. Such a blessing and comforting feeling to know that the people trying to save your life have a relationship with Jesus. Some have even cried with us and prayed with and for us. WOW....I know this is one of God's blessings to carry me through this journey.

God is leading and I know, with all my heart, that He is going to bless me with a complete earthly healing.

I don't take any good report, any good news, for granted. I'm drinking from wells that I didn't dig. Waves of God's grace, mercy, and healing keep after the other. As soon as I have another "set-back" or issue to come up, another wave comes and refreshes me from God's boundless love and care for me, His daughter. I can 100% confirm that Psalm 23:6 is absolutely true.
"Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life." Amen and Amen! 

Please continue to lift me in your prayers. And, please call out my name. Although He knows us all, I believe in having our names said before Him. He loves our relationship with Him and He wants us to be personal. I can feel, almost literally, the blankets of pleadings cover me as they are lifted in my name before our Mighty and Holy Father.

Please pray specifically that NO heart damage has been caused by the chemo drug Taxotere and that my ECHO is going to be clear.

I love you all!

(Side note: I know this, as well as most of my blogs, are lengthy. However, my blog is not only for keeping others informed of my journey, but also my personal journal. I want all details documented with as much information as possible because when I am journey, the good and the nasty....will be used to help encourage and uplift others who are fighting this battle, as well as, reflection for me.)

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. Patrica, I am so thrilled that you didn't need the ABG. What a relief. The great news is that Fr. Fain believes I am on the healing side of this. Once again, Pneumonitus is a side-effect of Taxotere. Also, now....several of my fingernails have started to lift up from the skin and most likely will fall off..... Yes, another side-effect of the chemo Taxotere. I am praying for complete healing for the side effects.

    I am beyond thrilled that I was so concerned about your having to have an ABG Arterial Blood Gas Test and it wasn't even necessary as they were able to get everything they needed from the
    other tests.

    I pray with all my heart that your current lineup will be scheduled ON TIME.
    Getting Oxygen Tomorrow
    ECHO Apt - At St Vincent's Main - In next few days
    Breast Surgeon Apt - Dr. Thomas - Monday, February 4th
    PET Scan - February 11th
    Pulmonary Group - Dr. Fain - February 26th

    You not sure at this point when my double mastectomy will be scheduled, but I am sure it will be by the end of this month or first part of March. I know that you want every cancer cell out of your body just as soon as possible. I did too. We are praying for that.

    We are all continuing to lift you up in our prayers calling out your name top our heavenly Father.. Although He knows us all, I believe in having our names said before Him. He loves our relationships with Him and He wants us to be personal. I can feel, almost literally, the blankets of pleadings cover me as they are lifted in my name before our Mighty and Holy Father.

    I love you so. Thank you for posting all of this so quickly. You are our angel. And a fighting warrior.

    1. Thank you so much, sweet sister, for your response to my post and always for you lifting me in prayer.....along with your ladies class and church. That is amazing to me and gives me so much joy and comfort. I feel really good about my results yesterday. It could have went negative, but God gave me positive news. Praying and believing that the oxygen will be temporary and Dr. Fain feels the same way. Once I get all this nasty, but healing, chemo out of my system....hopefully, everything will start returning to normal. Love you so much!


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