This week has seemed like a whirlwind with fiery darts slinging out of control in every direction. First with my brother passing out, having to go to the hospital and being given a battery of tests to try to get to the bottom of some of his health issues. Therefore, I have delayed writing my update because I have been covering him in prayer and my mind has been on him.

Wednesday was another one of those days at the Bruno Cancer Center where nothing really seemed to go according to plan. At my last treatment, prior to my treatment this week, all of my numbers were off....including my oxygen. I told my lab nurse that I had been completely depleted of energy since my last treatment....for the full two weeks and was struggling to breathe. Well, after meeting with my Oncologist, she scheduled me to go to get a CT Scan before they would even do my chemo treatment. She wanted to be sure that I did not have any blood clots. That CT Scan came back clear; therefore, I was able to go forward with my treatment. She, however, was still not pleased with my oxygen levels.

Wednesday, I was called back to get my vitals and once again my numbers were low....low red and white blood cells, low platelets, anemia, and low oxygen. They sent me back to the waiting room, but I was eventually called to go back to the chemo unit and I was put in a bay. I sat for a while which is unusual. Dr. Bondly's Nurse Practitioner came to my bay and started taking my oxygen levels there. She was not pleased. After she took it a few times, she came and got my bag and told me to follow her to a consultation/exam room. Dr. Bondly was supposed to have been off, but she had changed her mind, was there, and wanted to see me. She also was not pleased with my oxygen levels. She asked me some questions and also did a check on the larger tumor. She did say that it had shrunk more.

Dr. Bondly said that since this was to be my last scheduled treatment, we needed to get some tentative appointments set up for my PET Scan, my consultation with my breast surgeon, Dr. Thomas, and she went on to say that she would schedule for me to come back to see her in about six weeks or so. She expected me at that time to be over my surgery. However, all of that might have to change because of my oxygen levels. Dr. Bondly said that there was no way I could be put to sleep for surgery with my levels being so low. And that if we didn't take care of the problem now, when I was being evaluated for surgery, the process would be halted then to see a pulmonary specialist to try to figure out what is going on. So, she told me that we would have to set me up with a specialist as soon as possible before we could move forward. However, she said that I could go ahead with my chemo treatment.

I received a call from the Birmingham Pulmonary Group yesterday. They set me an appointment for Tuesday, January 29th at 2:15 pm. However, Katelyn....the scheduling nurse....told me that it was advised that I go immediately to the ER. My numbers had went down to the 70's, but had leveled out at 84. Anything below 88 to 90 is considered dangerous and needs immediate attention. Well, before each chemo treatment, I get several medications put into my port for nausea. At least one of them contains a steroid. Also, for two days after I take my chemo treatment, I take two small pills that are also steroids. These steroids give me a boost of energy, but also give me a better level of breathing. My grandson, John Franklin, suffers from asthma. I told Katelyn that I was going to borrow the oxygen monitor that they use for him to monitor my levels yesterday. I knew they would be elevated. And, as I thought, my levels stayed in the mid to upper 90's all day and the same has held true today. That takes me out of immediate danger, but is only a cover for whatever the real issue/issues are. So, as long as my numbers are ok, I am not rushing to the ER. Katelyn was ok with that, but told me again that if my numbers fell....I had to immediately go to the ER. 

This afternoon, I was contacted by St. Vincent's Main Hospital and was given an appointment to have an ABG Arterial Blood Gas test on Monday, January 28th at 11:00 am. This test has to be done prior to my going to the Pulmonary Specialist, Jason Fain, on Tuesday. This has got me really nervous! After all I have gone through, I still hate needles; however, I have been told by medical professionals that this test is extremely painful!!! So, if anyone reading this has actually experienced this test, I would like to hear what you have to say from a firsthand perspective. It will give a more accurate level of my oxygen levels and will give more of an idea what is going on with me.

It has been a month now since I had the genetic testing to see if I am predisposed for Ovarian Cancer. Praying so hard that it comes back clear. Otherwise, I will also have to have a complete hysterectomy. start a journey that is already mind-numbing when you are told that you have Bilateral Breast Cancer and then all these other things creep in along the way. I have had so many of the negative side-effects of Taxotere and that is actually when my oxygen levels and other levels dropped. Up until then, I got almost perfect readings at every treatment. So, it is possible that now, what ever it is that is going on with my lungs, might be another side-effect. I have read that it can do some damage. In addition, now some of my fingernails are starting to release from the skin and I will probably be losing a few of them. And, of course....that is another side-effect of the chemo Taxotere.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. When I am weak, than I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 (Abbreviated)

We can always take comfort in knowing that God is aware of our pain and suffering. As believers, He is walking this journey with us. Our faith is strengthened by our ability to talk to Him, to know He is listening, and He will answer. The answers, however, do not come on our timeline. Sometimes there is earthly healing....and other times....He allows us to be made whole in eternity. He tells us in Romans 8:28 - "And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose." That does not mean that earthly life will be all good or that all sick will be healed. It lets us know that whether we live or pass into eternity, as faith-filled believers....we ARE going to be alright. That is forever comfort...not temporary.

I plea for prayers and believe with all my being that going before our Father....calling out the names of the us a special presence before Him. He is continuously given the reminder of our personal situation and that special care, attention, and healing is needed. We read often in the Old Covenant of God "remembered." When the Bible says God "remembered," the original Hebrew verb is zakar. Zakar does mean "to remember," but it also means "to bring someone to mind and then act upon that person's behalf." The Hebrew idea of remember always includes acting on behalf of the one brought to mind.

So, I beg of each of you to please make a commitment to me. Please, at least one time a day....more would be awesome....go to the Throne of our Merciful Heavenly Father on my behalf. Plead with Him, and please call me by name, for my complete earthly healing. I do NOT believe He is through with my journey here. I am going to use every bit of the ugly I have experienced and will yet to experience for His Almighty Glory!

Although the fiery darts have been coming my way....with God, I will continue to divert them and destroy them. Satan will NOT take my life or cast fear into my heart....I am a daughter of the Most High King and I am always covered with His blanket of protection. Amen!

My heart cannot express into words my appreciation for all who are walking this cancer journey with me and for all of the prayers being lifted on my behalf. Love to you all! 

"He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken." Psalm 62:2 
Amen and Amen!

God is leading my journey and it is through Him, the Mighty and Great Physician that I WILL be healed with a complete earthly healing! Amen!

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so very much! Every prayer is being felt. Every prayer is bringing me to healing. I appreciate each one lifted before our gracious and merciful Father....the Great and Mighty Physician. Amen!

  2. Thank you! I know you are and I appreciate your faithfulness in my journey as a true prayer warrior in my fight. Love you.

  3. Oh Patricia, Your writing amazes me. I cannot believe all the ‘fiery darts’ that have been thrown your way. I love you so much and I wish your journey was easier. I have been praying for your brother and will continue to do so.

    You are in my prayers daily (if not hourly), and our congregation is praying for you as is our ladies’ Bible Study. You are covered in blankets of prayer from all over the country.

    I am so thankful that you thought of using John Franklin’s oxygen monitor and that keeping you aware of your oxygen levels. I pray that they remain at levels so that no ER action is necessary.

    I have never had to have an ABG test so I cannot help you on that score. I pray that others can give you the answers that you need. I pray that your Genetic testing comes back clear and that you will not need to have a hysterectomy. I had one years ago and had no problems, but I pray that you have been through enough and don’t need that extra surgery. I also pray that your lungs heal completely after the chemo is out of your body.

    I am just so thankful that all of this has brought you closer to God. I envy “that” part of your journey. Your faith has glorified Him in ways that we may not even know about in this life. But you give God the glory for everything, and that speaks volumes to Him and to each of us.

    I really appreciated your Bible lesson on the word Zakar. I was raised Jewish but I had never heard (or noticed) that word. It is a tremendous lesson for me. “Zakar does mean, as you wrote, "to remember," but it also means "to bring someone to mind and then act upon that person's behalf." The Hebrew idea of remember always includes acting on behalf of the one brought to mind.

    What a lesson for me to finish my prayers with action! To have the mind of Christ, {which our congregation is studying right now}, I will share what you said. Godly prayer is more than words to our heavenly Father. It involves action on behalf of the person we are praying for or the situation we are coming to Him about. I am so glad that you shared that with me and with each of us. The Bible is always teaching, day after day and decade after decade. Thank you.

    I carry you in my heart daily, hourly, and in my thoughts and prayers. I make that commitment to you, to approach God’s throne AT LEAST daily on your behalf. I love you so much and nothing could make me happier than to see you healed completely of your cancer.

    Your King has a precious daughter in you. And He knows that. I pray that your test on Monday will be so much easier on you than you have heard. I will pray throughout your test (11:00 A. M. on onward) that you are not in much pain at all, (none if possible), and that the results give you the very best news about your blood gas levels going forward.

    I pray that you get through the side effects of this last chemo as quickly as possible and that your double mastectomy goes as well as mind did. May there be absolutely no complications. You will get through the surgical pain fairly easily. In my case, the pain was cut by 50% each day.

    Your God is my God; your Father is my Father. May I keep you in ‘my’ heart as He has kept us in ‘His heart’ throughout our Christian walk. I love you. Keep that faith that is so precious to us and to Him. Praying now . . .

  4. Dear precious Carole, I love your loving and giving heart.....and it shines through with your gracious words and faith-filled prayers. You have blessed me in so many ways. I can never express how much you walking this journey with me means and how you lift and encourage me to my very core. As negative as some of my experiences have been and with all the fiery darts, I know that I will get through this journey with a complete earthly healing. These trials are forging me into a better image of what God wants me to be. So many new doors to serve are going to open and my experiences will become blessings to others. I am so excited to see what is ahead because I know He is going to use me for His glory in ways that I have never before fathomed or been equipped to do. I feel all the prayers lifted on my behalf and please let your ladies' class and your congregation know how much each prayer means to me. There is no greater gift than to be blanketed with prayers of healing. Love you more than words! So very blessed that God put us two sisters together.


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