CANCER: Low Numbers, But High Expectations......God Always Shines Through! Amen!

Ashleigh and I arrived at the Bruno Cancer Center this morning at 9:15....15 minutes earlier than my scheduled appointment at 9:30. It was a crowded waiting room already when we arrived. After a longer than usual wait, I was called back for vitals, weigh-in, blood work and to get my port flushed and ready for my chemo treatment.

My nurse always wants to know if I have any "new" aches/pains/complaints. I have had a rough couple of weeks and so I had some to share with her. She records them on my record so that when I have my consultation, Dr. Bondly will already know what is going on. First, I had lost 7 pounds since my last treatment 2 weeks ago. They really don't want you losing a lot of weight too quickly, but I have had so much diarrhea and virtually zero appetite.....all of course side-effects of my chemo, Taxotere. 

My blood pressure was pretty normal today and that was a good thing. Lowest it has been since I had to start taking medication for it after the onset of my cancer diagnosis. My nurse, Amanda, was not pleased with my oxygen levels so she took it 3 times. I told her that I have not been hardly able to breathe for the past two weeks....since my last treatment. I can barely walk 20 to 30 feet without feeling like I am exhausted and need to collapse on the couch. If I breathe deeper than a shallow breath, it hurts and causes me to cough. I have also been spitting up occasional phlegm. Sometimes, I get coughing spells (and I take a capsule daily to help that) to the point of gagging so hard, I nearly throw up.....often times that happens at night; however, I have now started sleeping with 3 pillows stacked high and that has helped to elevate most of the night-time severe coughing. I went on to tell her that I have had increased bone and joint pain....although I take a pill for that daily. In addition, for the last two weeks I have had to blow my nose a lot because it is collecting blood. 

I go back to the waiting room and the numbers have started to dwindle down in the waiting room for the morning appointments, but I am still sitting waiting to have my consultation and exam. Finally, I am called back. I go in the exam room and get dressed in my gown. When Dr. Bondly comes in, she takes a seat and says...."I hear you are having problems breathing." I told her yes, and explained how difficult it has been for me to breathe. I even have to be dropped at one of the entrance doors at church...closest to the auditorium...because I just cannot walk any distance. She went on to tell me that my numbers were off today. My red and white blood cell counts are low. She also explained to me that my platelets are low and that is why my nose is bleeding. My hemoglobin level was at 9 g/dL. Dr. Bondly told me that IF it had been at 8 g/dL, she would have had to schedule me for a blood transfusion. Praise God, it was a 9! My oxygen was at 84 mm Hg. Since my oxygen level was low and it hurts to breathe and difficult to breathe, Dr. Bondly told me that she was going to send me for a Chest CT Scan (contrast and non-contrast). She wanted to check to see if I might have a blood clot in my chest area. Before getting dressed, she wanted to do an exam to check the status of the larger tumor. She asked me if it had shrunk and I told her that it definitely had. Dr. Bondly checked it and it was obvious that it had decreased in size and its shape had also altered a bit. She was very pleased with the decrease in size....and I was too of course.

I got dressed and went to the check-out station to get my orders for the CT Scan. It had to be approved by my insurance, so they sent me back to the waiting room. I let Ashleigh know what was going on. The wait was brief and the CT Scan was approved. I was sent to the Saint Vincent's main hospital entrance so Ashleigh and I rode a shuttle cart. I had to be registered into the hospital....nothing is simple. Plus, this was an unexpected addition today and with that comes another $350 out-of-pocket copay. The wait was not long and I was called by to radiology. At first they thought I would have to have the dye put into an IV, but they were able to use my port. YAY! I LOVE my port!!! Prior to putting in the dye, I also had to have two vials of blood taken and the creatinine levels checked in my kidneys. My levels tested fine so I was good to go for the contrast CT Scan. After the scan, rather than waiting at the hospital, I was sent back to the Bruno Cancer Center. I still had not had my chemo treatment and now it is getting late in the day. Dr. Bondly had tole me that if I did or did not have a blood clot, that I would be having my treatment either way. IF I had a blood clot, I would be given a pill to help dissolve it. Therefore, Ashleigh and I took another shuttle cart back to the cancer center.

It is now around 1:30 and I still haven't started the chemo drill.....and the waiting room is full again with the afternoon patients. Soon, I get called back to a bay with one of my favorite chemo nurses. I get all the nausea medicines put in through my port and I finally get to start my chemo. Ashleigh helped me get set up with ice packs under my feet and an ice pack in each hand. It did help the hand and foot syndrome, as well as the neuropathy, last treatment so I will use them today and again at my next treatment in two weeks.

There was a very nice young cancer patient across from me that Ashleigh and I got to know. She was extremely friendly. We shared a little about our journeys. She was first diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in January 2017. She went through chemo, radiation, and surgery.....and went into remission and was deemed Cancer FREE. Well, that only lasted about a year. She had genetic testing and found she was pre-disposed for breast cancer also. She had already decided to have a double mastectomy when she was told that her cancer was back. Now, the double mastectomy is off the table. The cancer has attached itself this time to her bowel. Today was her last chemo treatment......again. Praying she is in remission, Cancer FREE and that she will remain Cancer Free! Her name is Michelle....please lift this sweet young lady...approximately 38 years of age....never been married and no your prayers.

My chemo stops alarm goes off letting me know I am done. Now, I get my body injector, Neulasta, a bone marrow stimulant to help build white blood cells after receiving chemo. It stays on my side for approximately 27 hours. The last hour, it dispenses the medicine into my body. After it is finished, the green light will stop flashing and the line will move from full to empty. At that time, I remove it and throw it away.

Before leaving my chemo bay, Dr. Bondly's Nurse Practitioner comes and lets me know that my CT Scan was negative for a blood clot. YAY! Praise God! I am feeling very good about NOT having a blood clot! So what now? After consulting with Dr. Bondly, another nurse from the chemo lab comes to let me know that there is really nothing that can be done right now other than just rest and try not to exert myself in any way. My hemoglobin is one number short of getting a transfusion....which would help my breathing, chest pain, and oxygen levels. My oxygen levels are low, but not low enough to have to take oxygen. OK......I can handle this! I will just rest and not push myself. way, but nothing about cancer is fun. However, we have to learn to adjust for whatever place we find ourselves in. As bad as some of the things sounded today....I did NOT have a blood clot and I DID get to have my Taxotere chemo treatment. I would say that this was a GOOD DAY! Just one more Taxotere chemo treatment and I will be done with chemo and ready to move on to the next adventure toward complete healing! I will have a PET Scan sometime after my last chemo treatment to see where I stand presently. Then, we will move forward to the next step which is currently supposed to be a double mastectomy.

When Ashleigh and I arrived back home in Moody, it is almost 5:00. We are both exhausted. I went in her home for a few minutes to grab some hugs and rays of sunshine from my 3 grands. What a beautiful blessing they are!

God did not create His children as weak vessels! We were created in His Image. We were made strong and resilient. We are capable of much more than we realize. It is when we are put to the test that our strengths are given a chance to shine. We don't always know what God's purpose is when we are diagnosed with devastating, life-threatening disease, but we can always trust that God has a reason for allowing us to go through the trial and that He has a plan for us. God is leading and God is healing. God will receive all glory when He heals me with a complete earthly healing. I am so excited to see what new ways I will be able to serve Him through serving others....  

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10 

Please keep lifting me before our Father in your prayers. I appreciate every prayer. I know they are bringing me healing. Plus, they uplift and encourage me. Please also lift my family in your prayers. This has been and will also continue to be a tough journey for them. They are right by my side and are my strongest support system. Every card I have received, every text message, private message, and Facebook likes/loves, and comments are all registered in my heart. Every gift I have received are so special to me....not because of their need, but because of the love shown to me by your loving generosity. 

I love you all and thank you for walking 
this cancer journey to wellness with me. 

#GodisLeading   #BreastCancer  #DoubleMastectomy  #IBelieve
#BeatCancer   #GodisHealing    #PrayforaCure     #PrayerWarriors
#BilateralBreastCancer  #BreastReconstruction  #HeProtectsMe

#WhereHeLeadsIWillFollow    #GodisinControl    #GodisaGoodGod    #PraiseGod    #ThankYouJesus
#MyGoalisCancerFree #MyCancerWarisOn  #CrushingCancer
#CancerWillNotWin   #IAmBeingHealed   #MyGoalisCancerFree


  1. God is working Patricia. Your are His child and your healing will be complete. Your prayer warriors are praying for peace of mind for you and family while your complete healing is here. Dear Lord, in Jesus ' name we are standing together with believers in Your Word that Patricia will be healed. Amen

  2. Thank you, Diane. God is leading my journey and has been from day one....actually before I was ever diagnosed. The trials I am experiencing are part of my cancer journey as I am being put through order to arise a new forged instrument for God and His glory. To Him be given all glory and honor in the good and in the bad because He means nothing to be for our harm. Amen!

  3. What a day you had!! I am so thrilled that you were able to have your chemo today. One more treatment, and then your surgery? Take it easy. VERY easy. Rest. Relax. Meditate. And know that we are all praying for you.

    I love you so much. I admire you so much. God is with you. No, He’s ahead of you. I am so thankful for you. Love, Carole

    1. It was a LONG day, but a lot of good came from it. No blood clot, no blood transfusion, and I got to take my treatment. A WIN for me! I am so blessed and thankful to be where I am right now in my cancer journey. So close to no more chemo treatments. YAY! I will be so happy to put all of these chemo side-effects behind me; however, I know that they will not completely clear for 3 to 6 months. God is always good and He will never let us down. I know He is using my suffering for a greater good that will shine through all of this ugly.
      You have been with me step-by-step in this journey. You have been my go to for asking questions because you have walked this path before. You mean so much to me and I am thankful God put you in my life. He knew long before that this day would come and I would need you in my life for so many reasons. And, a faith-filled prayer warrior is one of them. You are helping to be healed through your pleas before our Father....and they are working day by day.
      Love you my dear sweet soul sister friend.

  4. WOW! So many details go on behind the scenes of this challenging journey of complete earthly healing, to say the least! May GOD continue to lead your medical team, you and your beautiful Family as your PRAYER WARRIORS surround you each day! We love 💕 you, BIG, our Beautiful Soul Sister!

    1. Thank you my awesome prayer warrior, soul sister, and friend for walking this journey with me and for always being one click or one text away. You have brought me so much comfort since I started walking this path....September 10th, 2018. I know that your knees are worn from dropping to them in a minutes notice that I am in need of your pleas before our Father. You have been so generous in sending me so many gifts to not only help lift my spirit, but to help me with caring for my body with Monat products and other from Bath and cards, money, and always your sweet, thoughtful words. You just mean so much to me and so does Jeff. I have always strived to be an encourager....someone who prays for and tries to uplift the hurting, broken, and sick; however, until the issue is really do not realize the impact those positive actions have on others when you show the love of Jesus through you. I now know first hand and it will forever change my life, my walk, and my generosity of love and care from now on as I serve others in a more deeply compassionate way. You are one of His bright and shining stars and I am so thankful to have you in my life. You are exactly the image of a Proverbs 31 woman. I love you deeply.


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