
Showing posts from May, 2021

My Cancer Journey Continues....NO! NO! NO! Might Be God Saying, "Wait A Minute..... “

  I have been so VERY frustrated with my insurance and trying to get into a Comprehensive Cancer Center. As I referenced in my last blog....if you have Medicare Part A & B with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama attached....and I have Blue Advantage with suitcase can tell your story, beg, and, yes, even cry, but it has zero effect on the Financial Department of these huge hospitals.  For the past three weeks I have been having conversations with Duke University, Vanderbilt University, and MD Anderson. All of these are Comprehensive Cancer Centers...with Integrative and Alternative Medicine. They are top in the field and offer what smaller, non-Comprehensive, centers cannot. The Bruno Cancer Center is one of those. They are basically limited to chemo, radiation, and shots.  I have been wanting to get a Comprehensive Cancer Center lined-up because my cancer is aggressive and I know that I will eventually need more than Bruno can offer me. I had zero idea how difficult this

Walking Through the Valley....Being Refined By Fire....Week Four

What do you do when your Bilateral Breast Cancer changes to the unexpected? When I was diagnosed with Stage 3 ER+....multiple cancerous tumors in both breast....I was given so much hope that I was going to beat this. Although many lymph nodes were removed from under both arms, only one in the right arm showed to have cancer.  I immediately began going through intense chemo treatments which caused multiple serious side-effects....including Pneumonitis and that left me with barely being able to breathe. Therefore, I was on oxygen for quite a while. Next, I had a Bilateral Mastectomy. Recovered from that and moved on to Radiation Treatments which brought about their on set of issues with mouth and throat sores, burns and blisters across my chest and up to my neck....on and on. But, the war against this horrific disease continued.  I then moved on to an oral chemo for six months. And, for six months, my hands and feet burned like the pits of hell and they continued to repeat the burn and p

Cancer: Living on a Fine Line

Thank you for your sweet prayers.  I knew going into today that there was a possibility that I might not be able to have my treatment. However, I really felt in my heart that my levels were going to be on point for me to receive chemo today. I still give out very quickly. Where my femur bone joins the pelvis to form the hip joint is beginning to bother me because of the cancer in my bones. It makes it difficult for me to walk very far or stand for very long. I am still feeling some stronger; thereby, made me feel I was ready for a chemo treatment. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”               1 Peter 2:24 However, that was not the case! My  white blood cell count (leukocytes)  was only up to 500 and had to be up to 1,000. My platelets were at 14,000 so they dropped. Normal platelet levels are between 150,000 and 450,000. I will have to get my numbers up before I can take another

May 13th - Losing My Hair Part 2

Well, this is what happened today. I had already cut several inches off my hair in anticipation of losing my hair. I only lost a little Sunday, but everyday after, I have had tons of hair coming out.  By today, I ended up with the rest of my bangs ready to release and a very thin mullet. My scalp was already getting red and irritated. So, I knew it was time to go bald one more time.  Y’all know that I have traveled my cancer journey, almost 3 years now, by being very open and blogging, sharing pics, and videos all along the way. So, for the next “however long,” I will be living the bald life one more time. It’s not pretty, but it’s real. 😊 I have also lost my eyebrows already. That shows how strong my two treatments...given in one day...were.  I need super bold prayers lifted up for me today and tomorrow. My appointment at the Bruno Cancer Center will be at 11:00 am. It is extremely crucial that my white blood cell count is at least 1,000 and that my platelets will be good so I can ha

Friday: May 7, 2021..........NOT GOOD NEWS!!!

  God IS Love My family and I are extremely upset right now. They told me Friday, when I went to try to take two more chemo treatments....I couldn’t on Tuesday because all of my blood counts were to low.....that my neutrophils, white blood cells, are ZERO! I don’t even know how you live like that! I was completely shocked and in disbelief! My heart was broken because this is an extremely serious set-back.   They have started me on a maximum strength antibiotic to help me ward off infections because I have no immune system. I am taking two extremely toxic chemos. One of them is literally putting platinum in my body. I am devastated! I have no energy because of chemo and zero white blood cell count. I can only be around my family. I have gained so much weight since I’ve had cancer because I have been so inactive and also hormone suppression, but I have lost 18 pounds in three weeks because I can’t eat. When I do eat it taste horrible and almost everything burns my mouth….it doesn’t h

No Chemo Today - May 4, 2021

  It’s May 4, 2021 and I have been at the Center since 11:00 am. Bloodwork and Consultation. Was scheduled for Chemo today, but all my bloodwork numbers are all dangerously low. My Platelets are at 50 and the “normal range is 4,500 to 11,000. My White Blood Cell Count is extremely low which makes it easy for me to get infection. So, no Chemo today.   Dr Bondly is bringing me back Friday to see if my numbers will be safe for treatment. However, one good piece of liver enzyme numbers went down a bit and that is very positive.   “Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters.   Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. ” James 1:16-17   God is not the Author of the bad things that happen in our world….regardless of misguide theology that claims He is. Cancer and al evil is of God.  He loves us and wants only good for His children.   #GodisLeading #prayerworks