Cancer: Living on a Fine Line

Thank you for your sweet prayers. 

I knew going into today that there was a possibility that I might not be able to have my treatment. However, I really felt in my heart that my levels were going to be on point for me to receive chemo today. I still give out very quickly. Where my femur bone joins the pelvis to form the hip joint is beginning to bother me because of the cancer in my bones. It makes it difficult for me to walk very far or stand for very long. I am still feeling some stronger; thereby, made me feel I was ready for a chemo treatment.

“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”               1 Peter 2:24

However, that was not the case! My white blood cell count (leukocytes) was only up to 500 and had to be up to 1,000. My platelets were at 14,000 so they dropped. Normal platelet levels are between 150,000 and 450,000. I will have to get my numbers up before I can take another treatment. That is true no matter where I am taking treatments at this point. I will not be accepted anywhere else until my numbers rise to where it is safe because they couldn’t treat me either. I am on First Protocol for my Metastatic Breast Cancer. 

The first treatments were full strength and very strong toxic chemos. As I have said before... one of the chemos actually puts platinum into my body. They have just zapped me. Some positive news: My liver enzymes are down and my tumor markers are down. My blood pressure was good. I’ve also been dealing with an elevated resting heart rate, but it was also better. So there is some good mixed with the bad. I thank God for every positive. So, no treatments today. 


 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 

All I can do is continue praying every day and take one day at a time. I believe that God is leading my journey and I completely trust Him to get me this, There is no cure for my cancer, but I pray that God will allow me to live with Metastatic Breast Cancer and that He will give me many more years to shine His light, serve others, and to love my family.








If you would like to help in the expenses of my cancer journey, my GOFUNDME is below. 

Also, some have asked for my address:

Patricia Wyrosdick

1010 Gary Alan Trace

Moody, AL 35004

Click Here to Donate to my GoFundMe

Continued prayers are needed and appreciated! Please, also pray for my precious family. They have been broken hearted over all of my diagnoses and all I continue to have to go through. They remain strong and confident that I will come through this, but it is very difficult when they see me so sick. 


Love y’all! 💕


  1. Patricia, I had a feeling that yesterday was a "no chemo" day when you didn't get back to us quickly. I pray day and night that God will do the very best for you. I pray for healing and miracles and for as little suffering as possible. I'm praying that God will guide the doctors to do what is best for you. I love you so much and will continue daily prayers. <3

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I had to have time to gather my thoughts and let the news sink-in with not only me, but my precious family as well. Thank you for your encouragement and for your continued prayers. Love you. 💕

  2. I was thinking and praying for you. I figured you didn't get the treatment yesterday. I pray daily for you and your earthly healing. God can heal and He will..Maybe God wants you to get all the toxic stuff out of your body so He can take complete control over this cancer that has invaded your body. God can heal anyway and anywhere. Just rest and let God talk to you and give you peace and just relax in His love. Listen to Him and hear His lovely, peaceful and relaxing voice. I still back you On your earthly healing and always will. Dear Father, I come before you for earthly healing for Patricia Harrod Wyrosdick and her peace and comfort for all her family. I am asking in the name of Jesus Christ for her earthly healing and also for healing for her family. Please take out all confusion from the family in this situation. I love Patricia and her family and I pray for more time for Patricia to enjoy her family and her earthly life with peace and joy. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN 🌹

  3. Amen and Amen! 🙌🏻 I thank you, Diane, so much my sweet friend for your continued prayers and encouragement. I love you very much. 💕

  4. Love You Sweet lady I'm Praying for you all! ❤


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