Reflections: August 5, 2021


I started back on my chemo Saturday morning and by yesterday morning I was having really severe stomach cramps. I went to church and as the day went on it didn’t stop. By last night, I had an upset stomach and that continued about every hour and a half all through the night. My Oncologist and Pharmacist told me to take Imodium and see how that works. However, that has no effect on my stomach pain. I am going to get Michael to go to the store for me and get some liquids with electrolytes so hopefully I will not get dehydrated. I am trying to eat a bowl of grits right now so I can take, what should have been my morning dose, of chemo. Right now I just feel terrible. I HATE cancer!!! I pray this will soon pass. I know it will. Love y’all. 💗

EVENING UPDATE: Thank you all for your prayers and concern and I pray they will continue. I have continued to be sick all day and have spent most of the day in bed except when I was going to the bathroom. This is not nausea, but diarrhea. It is a very common side effect of chemo and I do experience it quite often, but not like this. My Oncologist asks me every time I go for a consult if I have experienced this and each time I have been able to tell her that it was controllable. However, if I don’t get some relief from the stomach pain and diarrhea by tomorrow, I will give her a call. It is just part of my journey with cancer. I know I will get past this; however, for now it is a struggle. I am a strong warrior...protected by my Father. I will be ok. Love y’all. 💗


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